6 Aug 2024

Waiting on Wednesday / Joy by Danielle Steel

Waiting on Wednesday was a weekly memo that is hosted by Breaking the Spine Blog that I really enjoyed blogging about in the post, so I thought I would bring it back!  Below is this week's pick! 

Allegra Dixon has never felt loved or wanted. Rejected by her mother - a cold, beautiful socialite - and her absentee military father, Allegra's only escape from her lonely existence is through books and her own rich fantasy world.

When she finds love with childhood sweetheart Shepherd Williams, her heart feels full for the first time. But as Shep follows in her father's footsteps, pulled into the dark world of military conflict, Allegra fears she will end up alone for a second time.

Expected Publication:  13th August 2024 (UK)

Publisher:  Delacorte Press

Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/202102031-joy

Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone

Genres:     Romance and Contemporary

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