7 Sept 2024

Book Review / A Place of Secrets by Rachel Hore


The night before it all begins, Jude has the dream again...

Can dreams be passed down through families? As a child Jude suffered a recurrent nightmare: running through a dark forest, crying for her mother. Now her six-year-old niece, Summer, is having the same dream, and Jude is frightened for her.

A successful auctioneer, Jude is struggling to come to terms with the death of her husband. When she's asked to value a collection of scientific instruments and manuscripts belonging to Anthony Wickham, a lonely 18th-century astronomer, she leaps at the chance to escape London for the untamed beauty of Norfolk, where she grew up.

As Jude untangles Wickham's tragic story, she discovers threatening links to the present. What have Summer's nightmares to do with Starbrough folly, the eerie crumbling tower in the woods from which Wickham and his adopted daughter Esther once viewed the night sky? With the help of Euan, a local naturalist, Jude searches for answers in the wild, haunting splendour of the Norfolk forests. Dare she leave behind the sadness in her own life and learn to love again?

Published:  2nd September 2010
Publisher:  Pocket Books
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Historical Fiction, Mystery and Romance 
Pages:  456 Pages, Paperback


What I loved about this story...  It feels like I say this a lot but I really do love a good historical fiction story, especially one that links the past and the present together.  This is one of Rachel Hore's earlier novels that I wanted to pick up and I am glad that I did.  You have a mix of the creepy dreams that Jude both suffered as a child and her child now suffers from but you also have the investigation she undertakes into the tragic story of the Wickham's family.  I adored this novel from start to finish.

Would I recommend...  100%  Historical fiction fans and those who love a good mystery should give this a go.  

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