7 Sept 2024

Book Review / The Glass Painter's Daughter by Rachel Hore


In a tiny stained-glass shop hidden in the backstreets of Westminster lies the cracked, sparkling image of an angel.

The owners of Minster Glass have also been broken: Fran Morrison's mother died when she was a baby; a painful event never mentioned by her difficult, secretive father Edward. Fran left home to pursue a career in foreign cities, as a classical musician. But now Edward is dangerously ill and it's time to return.

Taking her father's place in the shop, she and his craftsman Zac accept a beguiling commission - to restore a shattered glass picture of an exquisite angel belonging to a local church. As they reassemble the dazzling shards of coloured glass, they uncover an extraordinary love story from the Victorian past, sparked by the window's creation. Slowly, Fran begins to see her own reflection in its themes of passion, tragedy and redemption.

Fran's journey will lead her on a search for the truth about her mother, through mysteries of past times and the anguish of unrequited love, to reconciliation and renewal.

Published:  1st January 2009
Publisher:   Pocket Books
Goodreads : Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Historical Fiction, Romance and Mystery
Pages:  450 pages, Paperback


What I liked about this story...  Working my way through the backlist novels by this author and this one was next on my list.  What I enjoyed the most was the story of the window that was being restoring and Fran investigating the story behind it.  I found it fascinating hearing about all the different characters and their backstories.

What I didn't like about this story...  For me, this story was very predictable.  I would have loved a few more twists and turns.

Would I recommend...  Absolutely but maybe start with some of her other works so you get a feel for her style of writing before picking up this one.  Still a good read though. 

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