10 Sept 2024

Book Review / The Dream House by Rachel Hore


Everyone has a dream of their perfect house - in the heart of the countryside, or perhaps a stately residence in the middle of a wonderful city? For Kate Hutchinson, the move to Suffolk from the tiny, noisy London terrace she shares with her husband Simon and their two young children was almost enough to make her dreams come true. Space, peace, a measured, rural pace of life have a far greater pull for Kate than the constantly overflowing in-tray on her desk at work. Moving in with her mother-in-law must surely be only a temporary measure before the estate agent's details of the perfect house fall through the letterbox. But when Kate, out walking one evening, stumbles upon the house of her dreams, a beautiful place, full of memories, it is tantalizingly out of her reach. Its owner is the frail elderly Agnes, whose story - as it unravels - echoes so much of Kate's own. And Kate comes to realize how uncertain and unsettling even a life built on dreams can be - wherever you are, at whatever time you are living and whoever you are with.

Published:  1st April 2006
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
Goodreads :   Click Here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Historical Fiction and Romance
Pages:  466 pages, Paperback


What I liked the most about this story...  A backlist novel by an author I am trying to catch up on, mainly because I adore her writing.  The best part for me was when Kate meets Agnes and we get to learn more about Agnes' past.  Of course, this is a Rachel Hore book so, of course, it does have a bit of weaving between the past and the present.  I really did enjoy and did not see the twist coming at the end. 

What I disliked about this story...  For me this story was really slow and there was a lot of the story that involved Kate's husband that I, honestly, did not care for.  Simon was a dislikable character (I think he was meant to be) and I really didn't wait to know more about him.  

Would I recommend...  Absolutely, but I would recommend reading more of her newer titles first to get a feel of her current writing style before vising her older backlist titles.  

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