16 Sept 2024

Book Review / Last Letter Home by Rachel Hore


On holiday with friends, young historian Briony Woods becomes fascinated with a wartime story of a ruined villa in the hills behind Naples. There is a family connection: her grandfather had been a British soldier during the Italian campaign of 1943 in that very area. Handed a bundle of letters that were found after the war, Briony sets off to trace the fate of their sender, Sarah Bailey.

In 1939, Sarah returns with her mother and sister from India, in mourning, to take up residence in the Norfolk village of Westbury. There she forms a firm friendship with Paul Franklin, a young German who has found sanctuary in the local manor house, Westbury Hall. With the outbreak of war, conflicts of loyalty in Westbury deepen. When, 70 years later, Briony begins to uncover Sarah and Paul’s story, she encounters resentments and secrets still tightly guarded. What happened long ago in the villa in the shadow of Vesuvius, she suspects, still has the power to give terrible pain …

Published:  22nd March 2018
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
Goodreads :   Click Here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Historical Fiction, Romance and Mystery
Pages:  576 pages, Paperback


What I loved about this story...  I adored this story and although this book was nearly 600 pages I somehow managed to read this in one entire day.  I could not put this down.  Of course, we have the classic split narrative of 1939 and 2009 and is another wartime story.  For me the best part is the mystery.  Sarah investigating Westbury Hall and the story of what happened so long ago.  I needed to know what happened and would not stop reading until I found out.  

Would I recommend...  This is a perfect place to start if you are reading Rachel Hore for the first time or if you haven't got to this one yet you need to quickly!

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