18 Sept 2024

Book Review / The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List comes a new locked room mystery, set in a Paris apartment building in which every resident has something to hide…

Jess needs a fresh start. She’s broke and alone, and she’s just left her job under less than ideal circumstances. Her half-brother Ben didn’t sound thrilled when she asked if she could crash with him for a bit, but he didn’t say no, and surely everything will look better from Paris. Only when she shows up – to find a very nice apartment, could Ben really have afforded this? – he’s not there.

The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother’s situation, and the more questions she has. Ben’s neighbors are an eclectic bunch, and not particularly friendly. Jess may have come to Paris to escape her past, but it’s starting to look like it’s Ben’s future that’s in question.

The socialite – The nice guy – The alcoholic – The girl on the verge – The concierge

Everyone’s a neighbor. Everyone’s a suspect. And everyone knows something they’re not telling.

Published:  22nd February 2022 
Publisher:  William Morrow
Goodreads :  Click Here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Mystery, Thriller and Suspense
Pages:  360 pages, Hardcover


What I liked about this story...  This has to be one of my favourites written by this author.  For me, this was one of those stories that just pulled me in and kept me there.   What on earth was going on and is everyone who they say they are?  What happened to Ben?  So many questions.  The fact that all the drama and the majority of the story takes place in one house I thought would not be as interesting as I found it to be, honestly.  I really enjoy this author's writing and the way that we get to see the story from the eyes of different characters so you get to feel more for different characters at certain points.  

What I didn't like about this story...  Although I did like the characters and seeing their viewpoints, there was quite a cast of characters in this and I did struggle at times to try and remember who was who.  

Would I recommend... A really fun and gripping thriller that I would highly recommend.  


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