23 Feb 2017

Book Review / Two by Two by Nicholas Sparks

At thirty-two, Russell Green has it all: a stunning wife, a lovable six-year-old daughter, a successful career as an advertising executive and a beautiful home. But underneath the shiny surface of this perfect existence, fault lines are beginning to appear . . . and no one is more surprised than Russ when he finds every aspect of the life he took for granted turned upside down.

In a matter of months, Russ finds himself without a job or wife, caring for his young daughter London. Trying to launch his own business while grappling with the demise of his marriage, the only thing he knows for certain is that London must be sheltered from the consequences of these radical changes.

Then a chance encounter with an old flame tempts him to take a chance on love again, and with the loyal support of his parents and his wise older sister Marge, and in the hard-won lessons of fatherhood, Russ will finally come to understand the true nature of unconditional love.

Published:     4th October 2016
Publisher:  Sphere
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Owned


When I sit down to read a Nicholas Sparks novel I usually know what I am going to get.  A dramatic romance with a few twists and turns and maybe a tragic ending.  This one was different for me.  I should mention first that I loved this book, from start to finish.  Not only do you have the story of Russell and his wife, where it is obvious from the very beginning that this relationship was doomed but you also have the story of London, their daughter and how she copes with this.  Alongside this you also have the story of Russell's family which in itself is a story on its own with a very emotional storyline.

This book also made me angry in places.  Not angry in a bad way but angry in a 'I really don't like this character and I want her to die or move away'' kind of angry and that was mainly directed at Russell's wife.  I found her completely unreasonable and selfish, especially when it came to their daughter London.  She would have her 'me time' on Saturdays, which is fine in itself but the 'me time' drags on longer and longer and she just seemed to care more about herself and what she wanted rather than what was best for her kid.  Russell, as her husband, should come into the equation but as it seemed that the relationship was not on the best terms I can understand why there might be a bit of friction there.

This was an interesting book to read and one that made me feel a lot of emotions when reading it (won't say which ones as that will spoil the story...) and emotions are one of the things that I love and expect to get when I read a Nicholas Sparks novel, he does them brilliantly!  A heartbreaking portrayal of the breakdown of a marriage, what happens during and what happens afterwards with a few twists and turns along the way. 

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