7 Feb 2017

Blog Tour Book Review / The One by John Marrs

How far would you go to find THE ONE?

One simple mouth swab is all it takes.

One tiny DNA test to find your perfect partner - the one you're genetically made for.

A decade after scientists discover everyone has a gene they share with just one person, millions have taken the test, desperate to find true love.

Now, five more people take the test. But even soul mates have secrets. And some are more shocking - and deadlier - than others...

A psychological thriller with a difference, this is a truly unique novel which is guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat

Published:     4th May 2017
Publisher:  Del Rey
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

(Previously published as 'A Thousand Small Explosions')


Oh this book was good, really good.  I always love a story about love and finding your perfect partner and this book just took that to the next level and I loved it.  This book was so much fun to read I read it in two sittings (both on the same day though!).

This story is split into different character perspectives.  First you have Ellie who is her own boss at a very successful company but she has a secret she is trying to hide.  She finds her match and thinks that things are going to be 'happily ever after'.  Is it really that simple?    Then you have Mandy who finds her match but discovers that she might be too late to meet him...  Next there's Christopher who has a massive sinister secret that he is hiding from his newly found match.  Jade is next where she wants more than just being able to speak to her match on the phone.  She decides to travel to where he lives in Australia to meet him but things aren't always what they seem.  Lastly you have Nick.  Nick is happily engaged to Sally and really had no intention of registering with the MatchYourDNA.com website until a dinner date with friends gives Sally the suggestion to give it a try to see what happens.  So after a lot of persuasion they do but unfortunately they do not get the results they wanted.

If I had to pick favourites, there were two characters here that stood out for me.  The first being Christopher, the more sinister character of the bunch.  His secret is the worst ever and it really was entertaining following him and seeing what he does next when he adds a new girlfriend to the mix.  My other favourite character is Nick.  After taking the text and finding his match, things go downhill for him and his fiance.  In a completely unexpected match, dreams really can come true..

I had so much fun reading this story and could not put this down...  If I had to catagorise it, I would say that it is part romance, part science fiction (a little bit) and part comedy.

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