20 Jun 2012

Book Review - What I Did on my Holidays by Chrissie Manby

Sophie Sturgeon can't wait for her annual summer holiday. Not only will it be a week away from work, it will be a chance to reconnect with her boyfriend Callum.

So this upcoming trip to Majorca is a big deal. Sophie's spent a lot of time getting ready. She's bought a new wardrobe. She's been waxed to within an inch of her life. She's determined she and Callum will have the best time ever.

Then Callum dumps her, the night before they're due to leave. In a show of bravery and independence, Sophie says she'll go to Majorca alone - but in fact, she hides in her London flat. But when her friends, family, and even Callum seem so surprised and delighted at her single girl courage, Sophie decides to go all out and recreate the ultimate 'fake break' . . . with hilarious results.

 Goodreads page here
Publisher:  Hodder and Stoughton
Release Date:  21st June 2012
Purchase it at:  Amazon UKAmazon USA

Author Website:  http://www.chrismanby.co.uk/

My Review:   10/10

If you are looking for a great holiday read, one that will make you smile, laugh and cry (sometimes on their own and sometimes all at once), this is the one you need to pick up this summer.  I had such fun reading this book.

I immediately warmed to the character of Sophie.  At the beginning of the story, she struck me as someone who cared what other people thought of her and, despite being paired up with what I found to be a pretty annoying colleague, she knew how to 'handle' her office relationship with the colleague and with others.  When she is dumped by Callum (in a way that was completely cruel and the things he revealed I really was shocked about and definitely showed his true colours), I completely understood why she couldn't have gone on holiday on my own.   If I was in the same situation, I would have to admit that I would probably do the same thing.

The one thing that really shone out to me as the best part of this novel, I cannot completely reveal as do not want to spoil the story for anyone but has to do with Sophie staying at home and the close bond and friendship she discovers with someone throughout her holiday at home.  To me, that was the most moving part of the story.  There is also a great scene including Sophie's backyard and a lot of sand that made me laugh so much...

This is an absolutely fantastic summer read not to be missed...  If you enjoy reading books by the likes of Sophie Kinsella, I would definitely recommend you give this one a go....

Best wishes


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