14 Sept 2010

Book Review - Perfect by Sara Shepard

In Rosewood, Pennsylvania, four perfect-looking girls aren't nearly as perfect as they seem.

Aria can't resist her forbidden ex. Hanna is on the verge of losing her BFF. Emily is freaking out over a simple kiss. And Spencer can't keep her hands off anything that belongs to her sister.
Lucky me. I know these pretty little liars better than they know themselves. But it's hard keeping all of their secrets to myself. They better do as I say . . . or else! 

Ok, so now I am totally addicted.  I have read so much of these characters and story that every time I pick up the book to read I feel as though I am in their world right there watching what is going on rather than reading it!  The only thing I found annoying was the parents... Emily's parents reaction when they found out her secret was a bit unfair.

Utterly brilliant!  Can't wait to

10 out of 10

Best wishes

1 comment:

Cass said...

Glad you're devouring them! They are truly an addictive series, and it is thanks to Shepard that I'm into books the way I am now. :)