13 Feb 2021

Book Review / The Confession by John Grisham

An innocent man is about to be executed.
Only a guilty man can save him.

In 1998, in the small East Texas city of Sloan, Travis Boyette abducted, raped, and strangled a popular high school cheerleader. He buried her body so that it would never be found, then watched in amazement as police and prosecutors arrested and convicted Donté Drumm, a local football star, and marched him off to death row.

Now nine years have passed. Travis has just been paroled in Kansas for a different crime; Donté is four days away from his execution. Travis suffers from an inoperable brain tumor. For the first time in his miserable life, he decides to do what’s right and confess. But how can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges, and politicians that they’re about to execute an innocent man?




Published:     26th October 2020
Publisher:  Doubleday
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source: Owned



I know I probably keep saying that I am thoroughly enjoying each and every book I have been reading written by John Grisham, but I genuinely am.  There's just something about his way of writing that always draws me in and I really don't want to put his books down again until I get to the very last page.  

In this story, we follow the story of Travis who assaulted and murdered a high school cheerleader, but that's not the best part of the story.  He did not get put in jail for that crime, someone else did.  Travis was put in jail for something else and is now out on parole.  He decides to confess but will anyone take him seriously?

This book makes me angry, but in a good way.  It makes me angry how an innocent person was in jail for a crime that they didn't commit.  It also makes me angry with the possibility that the person who committed the crime, Travis, might just get away with it even if he does confess!  What a great suspenseful story that just kept me hooked to find out whether justice would prevail!!

Would highly recommend, especially if you like stories that focus on moral issues of justice and humanity.








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