20 Feb 2013

Author Interview: Theresa M Jones

Theresa M Jones is just a regular small town, Texas girl. When she isn't at work at a local Medical Equipment provider,you can find her at home with her husband and two beautiful (and rambunctious) kiddos.

In her spare time- as if there ever was such a thing as "spare time" - she reads and reviews books on her book blog, and writes paranormal romance novels.

POWER (The Descendent Trilogy #1) is her debut New Adult (Mature YA) Paranormal Romance novel.

Here is the BLURB:

Thousands of years after the battle between the angels, when Lucifer was defeated by Michael in the Heavens, the war is still being fought on Earth by the humans who have their Power, the Angel’s Power. 

 Allison Stevens is a 21 year old single mother who gets thrown into the middle of this battle when Damien, the Leader of the Rising, decides to hunt her down and kill her because he fears she is the descendant prophesied to save the world. 

David, a member of the Order, takes Allison under his wing in order to show her the ropes, and hopefully groom her into being the one they have been waiting for. The only problem is that they start to grow more attached than a teacher/student relationship should allow.

But that isn’t all. Damien wants to open the Seven Seals and bring about the apocalypse and it’s up to Allison to not only save herself and her family, but save the world, all while trying to keep her heart from breaking.

 No problem… right?

 POWER is the first book in a New Adult (Mature YA) Paranormal Romance Trilogy and is the debut novel for author Theresa M Jones



      Power (The Descendant Trilogy #1)



1.  If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why?

I have SO many favourite authors, so I don’t know how I could narrow it down to one. Really I would be honoured to work with ANY other author. 

2.  What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write?

A typical working day is: Get up at 6, get the kids up and dressed before I take them to school. Then I go to work at a local medical equipment supplier. Come home, eat dinner. I have to squeeze writing in where I can! Usually after the kids are in bed! 

3.  What is the hardest part of the writing for you?

The hardest part is finding time. Writing is easy, but sometimes its killer to be able to FIND the time to do it. Then the revising and editing is never too fun! (and when you revise and have to cut some-thats really hard)

4.  When and why did you first start writing?

I think I wrote my first book in 3rd grade, when I filled up an entire spiral notebook. But I started seriously writing when I was about 20 or so. 

5.  How did you come up with the idea for the book your book?

I don’t know how I first came up with the idea. Honestly a lot of the Main character is me... single, young, unwed. And I just dreamed of something more happening to me. That’s where Allison came up. But I have always had a ton of stories in my head!

6.  Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now?

I am an avid reading and have a book blog where I review the books I read! I normally stick to anything paranormal, fantasy, romance, or YA. those would be my Go-To genres. Right now I just finished reading Beta by Rachel Cohn, and I’ve just started The Secret of Ella and Michal by Jessica Sorensen.

7.  Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers?

Don’t give up!! Just make it happen! 

Author Links:

 Goodreads: Author Theresa Jones

 And Facebook: TheresaMJones

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