17 Oct 2012

Book Review: Starring Me by Krista McGee

Kara McKormick is told she's auditioning to star in a new teen variety show. But it's what she isn't told that could change her life.

The feisty New Yorker moves to sunny Orlando to participate in a month-long audition, where she'll live with nine other contestants and an eccentric housemother. Kara knows that the show already has a big-time celebrity lined up for the co-host, but she doesn't know who it is.

Chad Beacon quickly rose to fame after winning America's Next Star, but he doesn't want his entire career to be about singing. There is so much more he wants to do-like act. The new variety show sounds like the perfect next step for him, but his parents want him to have a co-star who shares his faith since they'll be spending so much time together.

Acting is high on Kara's priority list. But a relationship with God? Not so much. In fact, she's tried to stay away from anything religious. But God is after Kara's heart and He's put people in her life who are showing her there's far more to Christianity than rules and judgment.

And just when it seems that Kara's going to have to give up her acting dream, God reveals that she may have a starring role after all-in a story so big only He could write it.

Published:   10th July 2012
Publisher:  Thomas Nelson
Source:  Netgalley Review
Links: Goodreads  /  Amazon.co.uk  /  Amazon.com         

My Review

10 out of 10

The first time I read a book written by Krista McGee was at the beginning of this year  (check out my review - click here) and absolutely loved it  It had the great mix of romance and drama.  Starring Me had that same absolutely fantastic mix of romance and drama, I just could not put this book down. 

We start off this story by meeting Chad, pop sensation (ok, so I do admit that when I read about Chad I did picture Justin Bieber in my head).  His parents are his agents and are very strict about keeping Chad grounded, which he is.  They are religious and when Chad agrees to take part in a show, they go on the hunt to find a female co-star.  

Kat is a character that I first met in Krista's first book called First Date and I was so glad to meet her again in this book.  In First Date, the main character is Addy with Kat as the best friend, secondary character.  In Starring Me we have a complete role reversal.  We have Kat as the main character and we see Addy again as the best friend and secondary character.  There are one or two other characters who were in First Date who appear in this second book.  

The competition between the potential female co-stars gets very interesting when the true personalities of all of those who take part come to light.   Great character interaction, whether that is good or bad!  

Religion does play a part in this story but it not overwhelming and that was actually one of the parts of the story that I really enjoyed about this story and would very highly recommend it.

Best wishes

Debs :-)

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