9 Dec 2011

Book Review - Radiate by Marley Gibson

Hayley Matthews has one dream: to make it onto the varsity cheerleading team her senior year of high school. Odds are against her, but she doesn't let that stop her from trying. So she works hard for months, perfecting her gymnastics and dancing moves. And despite the odds, she makes the squad.

In an instant, Hayley's life changes. Now she's part of the popular crowd at school, dating a football player, and going to parties. And she's working hard to be as perfect on the squad as her captain expects them all to be.

But then one day Hayley notices a lump on her left leg and the steady throb she's been feeling has gotten much worse. She can barely walk. When Hayley goes with her mom to get it checked out, the diagnosis is cancer. The doctor can't say how bad it is or what the prognosis will be. At the minimum, she'll have to have surgery. At the most it could mean loss of her leg or even her life. 

Once again Hayley's life changes in an instant. Now she must face the odds again and show everyone, including herself, just how strong she is. And through it all--three surgeries, chemo, radiation, rehab, and just getting back to a normal life--it's cheerleading that keeps Hayley focused and positive. 

All she wants to do is cheer, and nothing, including cancer, is going to stop her. 

Expected Release Date:   3rd April 2012

If you would prefer to see the video review, please see below.

My Review:   100000000000000000000000 out of 10.....

An absolutely amazing book that completely blew me away...  From just the cover, I had thought that this book would be a light easy read, a bit like a young adult chick lit type of story.  Boy, was I wrong.  This book was so emotional with plenty of twists and turns along the way.

In this story, Hayley is such a strong character that before the cancer she had a clear plan of how she wanted her life to be and then all of a sudden was told that what she had planned may not happen.  She certainly took the bull by the horns, got on with what she had to go with a clear focus on the fact that she wanted to be a cheerleader and not even the cancer was going to stop her achieving her dreams.

Absolutely fantastic story with a great combination of friendship, love, family and a few twists and turns along the way.

Best wishes

Debs :-)

1 comment:

Marley Gibson said...

Debra...thank you SOOOOOO much for your amazing review of my upcoming book, RADIATE. I'm thrilled that you loved it, were moved by it, and are recommending it to others. Thanks again!

All the best,
Marley = )
