25 Jul 2020

Book Review / The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

After thirty years of marriage, Wilson Lewis, son-in-law of Allie and Noah Calhoun (of The Notebook), is forced to admit that the romance has gone out of his marriage. Desperate to win back his wife, Jane's, heart, he must figure out how to make her fall in love with him... again. Despite the shining example of Allie and Noah's marriage, Wilson is himself a man unable to easily express his emotions. A successful estate attorney, he has provided well for his family, but now, with his daughter's upcoming wedding, he is forced to face the fact that he and Jane have grown apart and he wonders if she even loves him anymore. Wilson is sure of one thing--his love for his wife has only deepened and intensified over the years. Now, with the memories of his in-laws' magnificent fifty-year love affair as his guide, Wilson struggles to find his way back into the heart of the woman he adores.

Published:     2003
Publisher:  Vision

Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Owned


This is my favourite book of all time and has been since the first time I read it.  If it is possible, I adore this book more and more every time I read it.  I know on Goodreads that this is marked down as being book 2 in a series, the first book being the Notebook and although I would strongly recommend reading the Notebook first as you will have more understanding of certain parts of this story, you don't have to. 

What I love about this book is that it is simply a love story.  A love story about two people who have been together for so long that maybe they have forgotten how to be in love.  There are obvious events that happen in this story, especially the reveal at the end, which I would love to talk to you about but I won't as they will spoil the part parts of this story. 

What I would recommend is that if you are interested in reading this story and haven't done so already, pick up The Notebook first  If you enjoy that you will like his one and you will get a deeper understanding of some aspects of this story and the meaning behind some of the characters' motivations.   I will say that this is not one of those stories that has a lot of twists and turns.  It is purely the journey the characters are going through and the twist at the end is definitely worth following the journey on. 

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