Dinah Jefferies' stunning new novel is a gripping, unforgettable tale of a woman torn between two worlds...
1952, French Indochina. Since her mother's death, eighteen-year-old half-French, half-Vietnamese Nicole has been living in the shadow of her beautiful older sister, Sylvie. When Sylvie is handed control of the family silk business, Nicole is given an abandoned silk shop in the Vietnamese quarter of Hanoi. But the area is teeming with militant rebels who want to end French rule, by any means possible. For the first time, Nicole is awakened to the corruption of colonial rule - and her own family's involvement shocks her to the core...
Tran, a notorious Vietnamese insurgent, seems to offer the perfect escape from her troubles, while Mark, a charming American trader, is the man she's always dreamed of. But who can she trust in this world where no one is what they seem?
The Silk Merchant's Daughter is a captivating tale of dark secrets, sisterly rivalry and love against the odds, enchantingly set in colonial era Vietnam.
Published: 1st January 2016
Publisher: Penguin
Goodreads : Click here
Series or Stand-Alone: Stand-Alone
Source: Bought
Genres: Historical Fictional and Romance
Pages: 400 pages, Hardcover
What I liked about this story... Yet another absolutely beautifully written story by Dinah Jefferies. At the fear of repeating myself too much with this author but what draws me in each and every time is the beautifully written descriptions of locations and characters. This time we are in Vietnam, a place that I have not visited but certainly feel like I have now with the way this book was written! A wonderful story about family dynamics and love amongst the backdrop of the lead up to the Vietnam war...
Would I recommend... 100% If you love historical fiction or would like to try - get this in your hands now!
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