16 Jun 2013

Author Interview: Aris Whittier

Logan Richards is doubly blessed. Not only is he a genius but he has a rare gift, he remembers things and not just from this life but all his lifetimes. He lives a life of wealth and luxury and has never lacked any material possession. There has never been an obstacle his intellect couldn’t overcome. But Logan has a problem: every night he dreams of the same woman, a woman he has dreamt of all his life. He knows she is real and he is determined to find her and convince her she belongs with him, forever.

Amber Lewis, a waitress for a five-star restaurant in Dana Point, California, is overworked and stressed. Her sister’s death has left her weary and wondering if there’s something more to life than mere existence. Then, one evening while working she meets Logan Richards, a chivalrous man who feels deeply familiar.

Fate has brought them together, but will their growing love prove strong enough to resist the forces that could pull them apart?

1.  If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why? I would love to work with Judith McNaught because not only is she my favorite author but historical novels are my favorite genre. I’ve never considered writing a historical romance but I would jump on the opportunity if I were to write it with Judith McNaught.

2.  What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write? I don’t sit at my computer and writer for a certain amount of time each day. I’m a mom, with two kids, so they come first. But I do like to try and write one book every year or so. I prefer to write first thing in the morning and in my office.

3.  What is the hardest part of the writing for you? I write in spurts and that is very frustrating. Sometimes I’ll write dozens of pages in a day and other times I can barely get a paragraph written.

4.  When and why did you first start writing? I never aspired to be a writer. However, I’ve always loved to read and write. Growing up, I would read anything from Readers Digest to Stephen King. When I was younger, I used to love to tell stories…my mom called them lies…but I considered it creative story telling… LOL. When I was 16 I picked up my first romance book and I fell in love with the genre. When I was in college I wrote my first romance novel and it was then that I knew I wanted to be a writer.

5.  How did you come up with the idea for the book your book? Across Eternity was inspired by a dream. I dreamt the entire book one night and sprung out of bed at about 3 in the morning scrambling into my office and immediately began writing—I didn’t want to forget it! Across Eternity is an amazing love story and I hope it makes the reader think and question certain aspect about life, love, and ourselves. And most importantly what do you believe in and is your Logan out there somewhere?

6.  Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now? I am a very big reader. I love to read! I love books on health and nutrition. What I’m reading on my Kindle right now is The Wild One by Danielle Harmon. I am loving this book so far!

7.  Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers? My advice is to never give up. And write about what you love. Oh, and develop a very thick skin because you’re going to need it. Everything will be judged and nitpicked—your writing, your plot, your characters, your query, your book cover…get used to it. Some of the criticism will be worthy and some of it not. You’ll know what to take in and what to just let roll off. Trust your instincts!

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