5 Nov 2011

Interview with Pridence Bice, author of The Kissing Tree

I would like to introduce you all to a wonderful writer, Prudence Bice.  Her book The Kissing Tree is expected to be out to buy on 5th December 2011.


 After five long years, Georgiana McLaughlin returns to the only place she’s ever considered home—the same place she stole a kiss from Ridge Carson under the community “kissing tree.” But this time he’s a man, and reconciling their past is just the beginning. You’ll find yourself applauding each new chapter filled with fun, romance, and adventure in this captivating, heartfelt tale of love, friendship, and finding your way back.

My review of her book can be found here:   Debra's Review of The Kissing Tree by Prudence Bice

Check out the official website here - The Kissing Tree


1.            If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why?

Can I go back in time? Maybe Jane Austin or I wouldn’t mind taking some writing classes from Mark Twain. It would be such a great experience, especially for a historical fiction writer. If I were to choose a recent author, I’d say J.K. Rowling. I think she is brilliant. I would love to get into her head, even for an hour or two.

2.            What would be a typical working day for you?  When and where do you write?

I try to write after my kids head off to school and the house is quiet. If I’m lucky, my phone doesn’t start ringing for at least a couple of hours. I’ve never been able to bring myself to turn off the phone. I always worry I’ll miss a call from my kids that’s important. I typically write for three, sometimes four hours a day.

If a story is coming to me fast, I usually take a notebook upstairs and sit in one of our oversized beanbags and scribble as quickly as I can. I do have an office where I type everything into the computer, edit, and work on things at a slower pace. It’s an addition, and up until a month ago, it still wasn’t finished. There were storage boxes and construction materials stacked around me. Now it’s beautifully done, but I miss that sequestered feeling.

3.            What is the hardest part of the art of writing for you?

There are a couple of things I find frustrating. One is that it is hard for me to concentrate on writing one story at a time. I keep starting new ones, especially when I’m in a creative frenzy. Another frustration is time. When I have all the time in the world, my head is silent. But when I’m busy with family, friends, and life in general, that’s when my imagination kicks in.

4.            When and why did you first start writing?

I always wrote well when I was in school, but I never thought I would ever write book. One night, a few years ago, I finished a novel just before going to bed. As I lay there trying to go to sleep, I thought to myself, I think I could write a book. I woke up several times that night pondering the same thought, and what I would write about. About 2.30am I woke up with the first line to my first book in my head. I tried and tried to go back asleep, but the line kept playing over and over. Giving up, I climbed out of bed, grabbed a notebook and began writing. I wrote through the early morning hours and all day until 10.00pm that night (Even brought the notebook to church me. I repented later.) I had over 100 pages written by the time I fell asleep that night with a throbbing hand from holding a pen all day.

5.            How did you come up with the idea for the book ‘The Kissing Tree?’

The story line for the kissing tree actually came to me when I was only a few days into writing my first book. I’ve keep having this same experience over and over again. When I’m in the writing grove, stories keep popping up everywhere. I see or hear something and “WHAM”, I’ll write a prologue or a chapter to a new story. So technically, the idea for The Kissing Tree was born early in the creative process of my first book.

6.            Was it hard to write such an emotional story?

I’ve dealt with some pretty tough things over the years, so I have some experience dealing with emotions. Since the story comes from my head, I feel what my characters feel. I cry, hurt, and morn right along with them. Their heartstrings are tied to mine. That being said, I also laugh with them, feel their joy, and their love. It all sort of balances out.

7.            Do you have any favorite authors/books?

Jane Austin, and of course, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Robyn McKinley, J.K Rowling, Suzanne Collins-Hunger Games. Janette Oak, Deane Gist-A Bride Most Begrudging and A Bride in the Bargain: Goose Girl, Ella Enchanted, too many books and authors to name.

8.            Are you a big reader?   If so, what are you reading now?

      Yes, I am a BIG READER. I think I read four books a week last summer. I wasn’t always though. In fact, I read very little growing up. When my third daughter was about ten or eleven, she started bringing home books from school and saying, “Hey Mom, you should read this.” So I started to read, mostly young adult books at first: Goose Girl, Inkhart, Children of the Lamp, etc. I read all the time after that. My problem is that if it’s a good book, I can’t put down. And that wreaks havoc on my sleep quota. There are books in my car and in my purse. Hey, you never know when you’ll have a free moment.

      I just finished reading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and just started Liar’s Moon by Elizabeth C. Bunce. Both were recommended reads.

9.             Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers?

I would first recite what I’ve heard over and over again and believe to be true, “The best readers make the best writers.” Expand your world, your knowledge. What better way to do that than through reading.  Also carry a small notebook around with you. You never know when something will inspire an idea. It’s not very fun writing things on old Wal-mart or Costco receipts. I know from experience.

10.         What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question?

Well, this is only my third interview and I have given all three during this blog tour so far. It’s a great question though, and a great opportunity. I haven’t yet been asked what inspires me to keep writing; what moves and keeps me motivate. The answer is my faith, my family, my desire to uplift people, bring a smile to their faces, and a titillating flutter to their hearts. That’s why I love the historical romance genre so much. Life was simpler back then, but still we share the same hopes and dreams. I want to bring that little bit of heaven into the home of my readers. It’s a win, win situation. They feel good, I feel good.

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