3 Jan 2011

Broken Birds by Jeannette Katzir

Hey guys,

I have had the pleasure of reading a truly inspirational book, Broken Birds by Jeannette Katzir (http://www.brokenbirds.com/brokenbirds.com/HOME.html)

(which can be found on the website link above together with much more information, which also has a link to purchase this book)

World War II has long since ended, and yet Jaclyn and her brothers and sisters grow up learning to survive it.  Having lived through the Holocaust on the principle of constant distrust, their mother, Channa, dutifully teaches her children to cling to one another while casting a suspicious eye to the outside world.  When Channa dies, the unexpected contents of her will force her adult children to confront years of suppressed indignation.  For Jaclyn and her siblings, the greatest war will not be against strangers, but against each other.

I loved a lot of things about this book including the style of Jeannette's writing which was easy to read and easy to follow. With some books about the War, I have found that I get lost in terminology and things that I do not understand but in Broken Birds I had no trouble. The plight of Jeannette and her brothers and sisters was so moving I cried several times throughout this book because it moved me so much...

Number of Pages (ebook) : 383

Release date : 2009 (Paperback) and 26th January 2010 (kindle)

Review : 9 out of 10

I had the great pleasure of being able to ask Jeannette Katzir a few questions:

If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why?
J.K. Rowling – because she has the ability, no talent, to allow you to envision a movie in your mind about what you reading and that is remarkable.Jeannette Walls – for your incredible ability to describe as few others do scenes and moments in the pages of her books.

What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write? Writing a portion of my very full day. I ride horses as well as do the bookkeeping for my family's business. I am also a very involved Grandma-ma, so my writing usually occurs in the moments all my work is done. I turn the volume down on my television and then write. Then I read it, edit it, and write some more.   

What is the hardest part of the art of writing for you? The time needed and the feeling that plagues me that I am not doing an adequate enough job explaining my vision for the pages I've written. 

When and why did you first start writing? I have written all my life. When I was very young I would write little books and hand them in for extra credit. Then when I was in my early 20's I co-wrote a book about my friends and myself, but it was too hard to be as honest as would be needed, so that book now sits in my shelves – unpublished. When my mother died and the family was thrown into turmoil, once again I began writing, and now I enjoy it immensely.  

How did you come up with the idea for the book 'Broken Birds? This book wasn't an idea but my reflections and reactions to a mother's death and a family never equipped to handle her loss. The name came from a term I used when I described my parents. It was the only justified title of the bo
      Was it hard to write such an emotional story? No, in actuality, the writing of this book was very cathartic. When events occurred that were beyond explanation, the computer became a wonderful sounding board . . . willing and accepting all I had to say

      Have any of your family read your book and what were their thoughts? Two of my siblings have read it. One has even written the poem in the front of the book. I hope that my father and other siblings never learn of this book, as it will only cause more problems. 

      Is there a message in you book 'Broken Birds' that you want your readers to grasp? If I had something to say to people it would be to be careful about what and how you handle things from beyond the grave. It isn't about what you leave; it's about what and how the persons left behind feel. If you aren't going to be fair, that is you decision, but be kind and tell all those concerned while you are alive, why and what you are planning to do. Or else we who are left behind will then live with the question of "Why?" 

      Do you have any favourite authors/books? As I wrote earlier, I am a huge fan of Harry Potter, The Glass Castle, The Red Tent, Dancing with Angels, The Da Vinci Code and Dan Brown – the author. 

      Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now? I can not be a big reader because I am a slow reader, but I usually have a book around waiting to be read at any given time. Currently I am reading a holocaust memoir called "Jew Boy." 

      Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers? This was advice I have compiled from numerous persons. Don't expect to make any money at it. Don't listen to the reviewers, because there will always be one you loves your book and one who hates it, so develop a thick skin. And don't try and write for someone else's taste, only your own.

            If you enjoy reading inspirational stories and real life stories, I would definitely recommend this book to you.....

            Best wishes
