12 Nov 2010

Changes to my You tube Account

Hey guys,

I had the bright idea of wanting to coordinate my Blog with my You Tube account but found out that the only way to change the name on my You Tube account was to delete my old one and add a new account...  So, two and a half hours later, I have changed my You Tube account so my user name is Debrasbookcafe, subscribed to all the people I love to watch, sent messages to all those lovely people who subscribed to be before and am also in the process of adding the videos I could save from my old account onto my new account.... Phew!  I think I may need some sleep now! lol.....

If you are interested, please do check out my You Tube account (although I will be linking videos to my blog to all you wonderful people who follow my blog...  The link is below:


Best wishes


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