9 Nov 2010

Book Review – Miles Away... Worlds Apart by Alan Sakowitz (ebook)

Alan Sakowitz, a whistleblower of a Madoff-like Ponzi scheme masterminded by Scott Rothstein, fraudster extraordinaire, tells the story of his decision to turn in Rothstein regardless of the possible dangerous ramifications of such a decision. The saga of Rothstein's rise and fall which included a Warren Yacht, two Bugattis, Governor Crist, the former Versace mansion, The Eagles, and even the murder of a law partner, is the stuff that Hollywood movies are made from.

Instead of the mere accounting of such a scandal, Sakowitz uses the Rothstein scheme as a cautionary tale in stark contrast to the stories of humble, ethical individuals living within Sakowitz's neighborhood in North Miami Beach, Florida. Sakowitz's neighbors are people who have spent their lives trying to assist others, not line their pockets, and through these stories Sakowitz creates a sharp dichotomy between the greed, of a Rothstein and its mainstream culture of consumption and the charity, kindness and selflessness of a principle-oriented community. Indeed, Sakowitz speaks to the symptoms of a culture that could create a Scott Rothstein, and, though acknowledging that the easy way out is not simple to dismiss, offers remedies to the growing ills of our entitlement society. The answer, Sakowitz says, lies in thinking first of others, and how one's actions should benefit the lives of friends, not one's short-term gratifications. – Description from GoodReads...

This story was definitely an eye opener for me. I have to be honest and say that this is not normally the type of genre that I would pick up and read but I was very kindly provided with a copy by the author, Alan Sakowitz. I am so happy that I have had the opportunity to read this book as it is definitely an eye opener into the world of financial corruption. I liked the style of writing and also the fact that when legal terms were used it is often followed by a description of what was meant, which helped me a lot in reading this story.

I would give this book a 10 out of 10.

Best wishes


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