4 Mar 2025

Book Review / Rage by Richard Bachman [aka Stephen King]


At 9:05 a.m. in Room 16 of Placerville High School Mrs Underwood realised that she had to go back to the basics in Algebra. The exam results had not been good.

At 9:50 the change-of-class bell rang. But in Room 16 Algebra was already long over. For Mrs Underwood, over for ever. She lay dead on the floor, shot through the head, her eyes still wide open, her blood already dark and congealed as a fly settled hungrily on her bare neck. Mr Vance was dead as well. The bullet had caught him full in the throat as he came through the door.

The kids were still there, not hurt but not going anywhere. The boy with the gun, sitting so casually on the edge of the teacher's desk, had decided that. He watched and waited as outside the police circled and conferred. School had been evacuated. Except for Room 16 where the kids still had a lot to learn.

The end of the first lesson. Time for a second, a third. A whole timetable of terror stretching ahead of them...

Published:  6th September 1977

Publisher:  Signet

Goodreads : Link Here - Opens in new window

Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone

Source:  Bought


What I liked about this story...
As disturbing of a story this is, I couldn't put it down.  Following Charlie Decker, and the rest of the class including the teacher, as he plunges deeper and deeper into his 'rage'.  I would have to say that if you wanted to read a story that takes you complete out of your comfort zone and makes you so uncomfortable that you want to put the book in another room, or out of the house, this is one of those!  

What I wasn't fond of with this story...
This is not necessarily a complete negative but this story was very uncomfortable to read, which I guess is the point of this plot, but didn't make for an easy read considering the topic also.  


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