31 Oct 2017

Book Review / 99 Red Balloons by Elisabeth Carpenter

Two girls go missing, decades apart. What would you do if one was your daughter?

When eight-year-old Grace goes missing from a sweetshop on the way home from school, her mother Emma is plunged into a nightmare. Her family rallies around, but as the police hunt begins, cracks begin to emerge.

What are the secret emails sent between Emma’s husband and her sister? Why does her mother take so long to join the search? And is Emma really as innocent as she seems?

Meanwhile, ageing widow Maggie Taylor sees Grace’s picture in the newspaper. It’s a photograph that jolts her from the pain of her existence into a spiralling obsession with another girl – the first girl who disappeared…

Published:     24th August 2017
Publisher:  Avon
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher


What I liked about this story...   I particularly enjoyed following the story of Maggie who is an ageing widow who has a lot to tell about her past and it was very interesting to find out more.  Maggie's story centres around the first girl's disappearance. I won't give any more details away but her story was the most interesting for me. 

What I didn't like about this story...   The one thing I always look for in a thriller/crime novel and that is suspense.  Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be a great deal of that in this story.  With great suspense in a novel like this, it would have made me turn the pages quicker and enjoy the story a little bit more.  Instead, it made the story very slow to read and, to be honest, a bit boring in places. 

In summary... A very interesting story split between two different disappearances.  Slow paced but does have a very good twist ending...

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