11 May 2015

Blog Tour/ Book Review - The Crooked House by Christobel Kent

Alison is as close to anonymous as she can get: with no ties and a backroom job, hers is a life lived under the radar. But once Alison was someone else: once she was Esme, a teenager whose bedroom sat at the top of a remote house on a bleak estuary. A girl whose family, if not happy, exactly, was no unhappier than anyone else's - or so she thought.

Then one night violence was unleashed in the crooked house, in a nightmare that only Alison survived and from which she's been running ever since. Only when she falls for the charismatic Paul does Alison realise that to have any chance of happiness, she must return to her old life and face a closed community full of dark secrets.

As she seeks to uncover the truth of what happened that terrible night, Alison begins to question everything she thought she knew. Is there anyone she can trust?

Published:     23rd April 2014
Publisher:  Sphere
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:   Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

My Review

What I loved about this book...
This was a really great read for me.  What I loved the most was the thriller aspect of it.  Wanting to find out the truth was the aspect of this story that kept me glued to each page and keeping reading until the very end.   There were definitely a lot of twists and turns in this story and I Love that in a story. l

What I was not fond of with this book...
There is a lot of information to take in with this story there were some parts where I just had to backtrack a little to make sure I absorbed everything, so I actually ended up reading this book for longer than I probably needed to because of that but that did not spill the fact that I really enjoyed this book and I am definitely going to be checking out this author and what else she has written. .

About the Author
(From Goodreads)

Christobel Kent was born in London in 1962 and now lives in Cambridge with her husband and four children; in between she lived in Florence. #

She worked in publishing for several years, most recently as Publicity Director at Andre Deutsch. Her debut novel A Party in San Niccolo, was published in 2003.


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