23 Dec 2013

●● Book Review / Witchfinder by Ruth Warburton ●●

London. 1880. In the slums of Spitalfields apprentice blacksmith Luke is facing initiation into the Malleus Maleficorum, the fearsome brotherhood dedicated to hunting and killing witches.

Luke’s final test is to pick a name at random from the Book of Witches, a name he must track down and kill within a month, or face death himself. Luke knows that tonight will change his life forever. But when he picks out sixteen-year-old Rosa Greenwood, Luke has no idea that his task will be harder than he could ever imagine.

Published:     2nd January 2014
Publisher:  Hodder
Goodreads :  Click here
Series:  Book 1, Witch Finder
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

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