9 Sept 2013

Author Interview / Joanne Rawson

Joanne Rawson is a new British author with an American publisher Melange Books.
 Author of   Having My Baby Anthology – Learner Mum (November 2013)
 For Better or For Worse (Jan 2013)  No Strings Attached (Jan 2013)  Trials And Tribulations Of A Blind Date Anthology – Unexpected Blind Date (June 2013)

If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why?
I love the easy questions first.  My dream of becoming a writer started, way back when I was seven or eight.  Therefore, I would have to say Enid Blyton.  The first book I ever read of hers was The Folk of the Magic Faraway Tree.  Even at that early age, the way she wrote her stories blew me away, hungry to read everything, The Famous Five, Mallory Towers and St Catherine’s.  Each week I saved my pocket money to buy another book.  My second choice would have to be Agatha Christie, again a phenomenal writer. I always pack a couple of Christie books when I go travelling.
If I had to make a choice today, well strange as it seems Peter Kay.  He is without doubt the funniest British comedian and talented writer.  He has a fantastic ability at observing people, and making it hilarious.  Ideally, we would combine his skills of witty observations and my romance, to create an awesome romantic comedy.
What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write?
I do not have a typical working day.  I write when inspiration strikes, which normally is in the early hours of the morning, or late at night.
Mainly I do my chores in the morning, do my yoga and swim, then lunch.  I then spend the afternoon configurating my notes.  I used to write at the kitchen table, not really an ideal place, but now I have converted our spare bedroom into an office. From October to April, my husband and I spend a lot of time in South Goa, and I find sitting outside a bamboo hut, looking at the sea and sand inspirational.
 I always have a pen and paper to hand, even when I am out, so my husband is used to me midway through conversation pulling out my pad and scribbling.  Twice a week we sit down together and have a brainstorm session, on plots, where my book is going etc...  It’s not writing but still working, (with a glass of wine!)
Don’t laugh, but when I am writing and alone, I often act out the story.

What is the hardest part of the writing for you?
Hoping I am giving my readers what they want.
When and why did you first start writing?
My first attempt at public writing was a competition at school when I was about eight or nine with John Miller my next-door neighbour, we wrote a funny short story that won us a Maggie badge.  (Magpie was a 70’s kids programme)
It was always my childhood dream to write, but there was always something more important like my studies, then boys! followed by work and marriage.  Back in 2005 my husband and I left the busy life of restaurant Managers for Toby Carvery.  People asked me how I was going to spend my time.  I knew then, it was the right time for me to make my dream come true.    

How did you come up with the idea for the book your book?
No Strings Attached, the title came first, then the million-dollar question why my character would want no strings attached.  As I recall I was listening to Michael Buble while cleaning up, ‘I just haven’t met you yet’ was playing, and the story just came into my head right there and then. That afternoon I began writing.
 $o.99 From Melange Books

6. Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now?
Yes, an avid reader of romance and chick lit; of course, I have to check out the competition!  I also enjoy a good mystery and there is nothing better than a good murder.  When I’m not writing, I read.  I read before I get up in the morning, and before I go to sleep at night.  Sunday afternoons is my big read day.
At the moment, I am reading Stephen King called Lisey’s Story.
7. Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers?
The best advice that I can give any aspiring writer, is a quote from Erica James, which I keep next to my laptop when I am writing.
“You have to write about what you know, and hope an editor will find it interesting. Most of us have a book inside us.  It’s just having the discipline to get it out that’s needed.”
It’s a cutthroat author world out there, (unless you’re a celebrity or Britain’s got Talent finalist,) don’t give up, and most of all don’t aim too high. 
As my wonderful husband keeps telling me, it’s an apprenticeship.

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