23 Apr 2011

Book Haul - 23rd April 2011

Hi there!  

So it has been a really great week, the weather is finally nice and not only that but it is a bank holiday so even more chance to enjoy the wonderful weather!   So here is what I got this week:

Best wishes



Anonymous said...

Great haul again this week Debs. The Iron Thorn sounds really good and I'll be looking out for your review on that one. I hope you read it soon!

Oh, and I eventually ordered myself a copy of The Wednesday Letters, which is winging it's way to me as we speak.:D

Debra's Book Cafe said...

Thanks! Yey to the Wednesday Letters, that really was a good book.... I look forward to hearing what you think of it when you get to read it :-)

Brooks @ Victorious Cafe said...

Great haul. Great video.

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