6 Feb 2011

Book Beginnings - Another Late Friday Post

Hey guys,

Ok so I am very late at this one, sorry........ :-(    I have had the most manic week ever but I thought I would still do the post, better late than never lol!

This was originally hosted by the blog A Few More Pages....

Night Star (Immortals)The book I am reading at the moment is Night Star by Alyson Noel

Published by St Martin's Griffin

Number of Pages - 302

'You'll never beat me.  You'll never win this one.  Ever.  It's impossible.  You can't do it.  So why waste your time.'

I have to be honest and say that I am really struggling with this series but I do want to find out what happens next so I have continued with it...   I have to admit that when I got to this book I was already feeling a little deflated by this series and was not eagerly anticipating picking this one up to read it.  The first line to me summed up what the book was going to be all about.  Possibly the main character has to fight someone off, again, and fight for the love of the man she loves, when she can figure out who that might be....   I am not sure whether this prediction is true yet but it would be really interesting to see whether it does or not....

I hope you have enjoyed this post...

Best wishes


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