2 May 2017


Book Review / Miss Mary's Book of Dreams by Sophie Nicholls

Dreams, books and vintage fashion - the second book in the bestselling ebook series by Sophie Nicholls, author of The Dress.

In historic York, Ella seems to have the perfect life. She's a published author, her bookshop is thriving, she's married to the man of her dreams and they've started a family of their own.

But Ella is struggling. Motherhood isn't quite everything she imagined it to be, and she's worried that there may be cracks in her marriage.

On the other side of the Atlantic, despite endless blue skies and a stream of eager customers in her vintage dress shop, Ella's mother Fabia finds that life in San Diego is not enough for her. She misses York, and can sense that Ella needs her, so she flies home.

And this is when they meet Bryony. With a complicated life and secrets of her own, Bryony may have some of the answers they're looking for.

Can Ella and Fabia help her find her way, whilst also working out how to find their own happily ever after?

Published:     23rd March 2017
Publisher:  Zaffre
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher


What I liked about this story...  Anything that has book in the title or has anything to do with book shops I am definitely going to check it out and read it!  A very interesting story to read, a story of family, love and starting again indeed with also a hidden touch of magic folded in.  The best parts for me were the stories of Ella and Bryony.  You have Ella who runs a bookshop, has a husband and daughter and is also an author.   She is struggling with a lot of those and we watch her in this story struggling and coming to certain decisions on certain things.  You then have Bryony who has her own complicated family problems and personal problems.  I liked finding out more about each of these characters, finding out their secrets and seeing how they dealt with them. 
What I didn't like about this story...   First of all I will say that I really enjoyed the writing style of this author and will be checking out more to read.  That said, I really didn't enjoy the plot in places.  I found at some parts, mostly nearer the middle of the story, I got a bit lost and got the feeling that there were more to these characters than I was reading.  I did a little digging on Goodreads and realised that there is a trilogy written by this author called the Everyday Magic series, which seems to feature some of the characters in this book which makes me thing that maybe I should have read that trilogy first?  I am not sure on that point but maybe that would have solved my confusion.  That said, I did love the two main characters and am definitely intrigued to pick up that trilogy to find out whether there was anything I have missed.