9 Jan 2017

Book Review / The Alibi by Jaime Raven

A perfect crime needs a perfect alibi…

Crime reporter Beth Chambers is committed to uncovering the truth – and she’s not afraid of bending the rules to get there.

When troubled soap star Megan Fuller is found stabbed to death in her South London home, all eyes are on her ex-husband – the notorious gangster, Danny Shapiro.
Determined to expose Danny as a cold-blooded killer, Beth obsessively pursues him.

But in her hunt for the truth, her family are set to pay the ultimate price…
Secrets, lies and revenge brim to the top in this gritty thriller. Perfect for fans of Martina Cole and Kimberley Chambers.

Published:     29th December 2016
Publisher:  Avon
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

Oh this book was really good!  So good!  I have to confess that if this is not a book that I would normally have picked up.  I normally shy away from stories about gangsters as I have never been interested in reading about that type of thing but there was something about this story that intrigued me.

There are two aspects to this story that I enjoyed the most.  The first is the actual murder aspect to the story where you have a soap star having been murdered in her own home.  There are a few suspects, including a notorious gangster.  I enjoyed the 'who done it' and 'did he really do it' back and forth throughout the book and I have to admit that I never guessed how the story would end!

The second aspect that I enjoyed is two characters - Beth Chambers (the journalist) and Danny Shapiro (the gangster).   They obviously have a few interactions throughout the story and I enjoyed seeing what they were both going to do next.

Along with the above there are a few twists and turns throughout the story and most of them I was really surprised with.  I love it when that happens (which doesn't happen as often as I liked). 

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