9 Feb 2016

Book Review / Brotherhood in Death by JD Robb

Dennis Mira just had two unpleasant surprises. First he learned that his cousin Edward was secretly meeting with a real estate agent about their late grandfather’s magnificent West Village brownstone, despite the promise they both made to keep it in the family. Then, when he went to the house to confront Edward about it, he got a blunt object to the back of the head.

Luckily Dennis is married to Charlotte Mira, the NYPSD’s top profiler and a good friend of Lieutenant Eve Dallas. When the two arrive on the scene, he explains that the last thing he saw was Edward in a chair, bruised and bloody. When he came to, his cousin was gone. With the mess cleaned up and the security disks removed, there’s nothing left behind but a few traces for forensics to analyze.

As a former lawyer, judge, and senator, Edward Mira mingled with the elite and crossed paths with criminals, making enemies on a regular basis. Like so many politicians, he also made some very close friends behind closed—and locked—doors. But a badge and a billionaire husband can get you into places others can’t go, and Eve intends to shine some light on the dirty deals and dark motives behind the disappearance of a powerful man, the family discord over a multimillion-dollar piece of real estate . . . and a new case that no one saw coming.

Published:     4th February 2016
Publisher:  Piatkus
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 42, In Death
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher
Rating:   4 out of 5

What I liked about this story...  I was so excited when I received this book for review from the publisher.  I had read one of the books in the In Death series before and really enjoyed it.  Even though this was book 42 in the series, it really doesn't matter if you read them out of order.  This is one of those series that the characters are the same but the situations are different.  I am usually one who likes to read things in order and usually never reads things out of order but at the moment I really don't have the time to read 41 books before I read this one!  I will do one day because this series is really good but maybe at a slower pace!

This story had me hooked right from the first page.  I love books where characters have secrets and in this one there is a very big secret that Lieutenant Dallas has to investigate and find the answer to.  This is very much a guess who type of story where there is a killer or killers on the loose and it was find following her as she investigates and interrogates.  Not only that, there is a side story that is very important to the main story that you have to figure out.  It wasn't that hard to figure out but it was a very interesting part of the story. 

What I wasn't fond of with this story...  Although I really enjoyed this story, it was predictable.  By the time I had got halfway into this book I had pretty much guessed what had happened and who might be involved.  I would have loved for there to have been some kind of element of surprise twist at the end of the book, which this one didn't but that didn't change the fact that I really enjoyed this story and would read it again.

Trigger warning...  This is an adult fiction book and does contain some events that some readers may find distressing to read.   I won't mention what type of trigger events they are as that will spoil the story but I think it is something that you should be aware of before going into this book. 

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