15 Mar 2012

Book Review - The Witch of Turlingham Academy by Ellie Boswell

It's not easy being the only day girl at Turlingham Academy: Sophie misses out on all the midnight feasts and late night gossip. 

And when new girl Katy turns up it feels like she's bewitching all of Sophie's friends! Katy's no witch, but there is a witch at Turlingham. Katy comes from a long line of witch hunters whose job is to stop evil magic. 

Sophie is going to help her - anything to get Katy out of her life and get things back to normal. But what she discovers means nothing will ever be normal again

This is such a fun book aimed at middle grade readers but can be thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Sophie is the head teacher's daughter and knows how to get into mischief.  There's something not quite right about her past and she must discover what this is all about before its too late.  When Katy comes into the picture, we are not quite sure whether she is going to be friend or foe but reading about these two characters and the adventures they take, was just pure fun to me.

Such a great story about friendships and a little bit of the supernatural.

If you would prefer to see the video review, please see below

Best wishes

Debs :-) 

1 comment:

Natasha said...

Hey Debra liked the review! Been following you on youtube and goodreads for a little while but now i have been inspired to make my own book blog, im from the UK like you and it would be great if you could check it out! Thanks so much from a new follower!

Tasha www.graveyardbooks.blogspot.com