5 Apr 2020

Book Review / Ransom Canyon by Jodi Thomas (Book 1, Ransom Canyon Series)

From New York Times bestselling author Jodi Thomas comes the first book in a compelling, emotionally resonant series set in a remote west Texas town—where family can be made by blood or by choice…

Rancher Staten Kirkland, the last descendent of Ransom Canyon's founding father, is rugged and practical to the last. No one knows that when his troubling memories threaten to overwhelm him, he runs to lovely, reclusive Quinn O'Grady… or that she has her own secret that no one living knows.

Young Lucas Reyes has his eye on the prize—college, and the chance to become something more than a ranch hand's son. But one night, one wrong decision, will set his life on a course even he hadn't imagined.

Yancy Grey is running hard from his troubled past. He doesn't plan to stick around Ransom Canyon, just long enough to learn the town's weaknesses and how to use them for personal gain. Only Yancy, a common criminal since he was old enough to reach a car's pedals, isn't prepared for what he encounters.

In this dramatic new series, the lives, loves and ambitions of four families will converge, set against a landscape that can be as unforgiving as it is beautiful, where passion, property and pride are worth fighting—and even dying—for.

Published:     25th August 2015
Publisher:  HQN Books
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, Ransom Canyon
Source:  Owned


I am delving back into this series again.  It was one that I started to read back in 2016 but was only able to get so far because of the books I could get hold of at that time.  Now there are a lot more in this series and I can't wait to carry on reading!  I would normally review the series as a whole rather than each individual book but with this series and with each book you come across there is a different story covering different characters, so I am going to do a review for each one.

In this story, we follow mainly Staten Kirkland and Quinn.  Staten's wife, who was also Quinn's best friend, died a while back.  Staten and Quinn remained friends and, after five years or so, they are getting closer.   Quinn has a secret past that is stopping her from moving forward with her life.  We watch as she gets closer to Staten and decides to trust him with her secret.

We also follow a few other smaller stories including Lucas Reyes and Lauren and a couple of other friends who decide to investigate an old house but when they do tragedy happens.  There is also Yancy Grey who is running from a very troubled past but somehow lands in Ransom Canyon and gets a job as a handyman for the older communication in the Canyon.

What I loved the most about this story are the characters.  There are so many but the story has been written so well that I certainly would not forget any of them and what is happening with them.  All the 'main' characters are certainly rememberable and have their own stories that we get a glimpse of in this story.  I am guessing that as this series goes on and one we get to follow each of these and learn more about them.

Such an addicting story and what I would call a dramatic romance - not sure if that is the correct term but that's the one I am giving it!  You you love a bit of romance mixed in with the drama, you need to check out this series!

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