1 Nov 2018

Book Review / One More Chance by Lucy Ayrton

Dani hasn't had an easy life. She's made some bad choices and now she's paying the ultimate price; prison.

With her young daughter Bethany, growing up in foster care, Dani is determined to be free and reunited with her. There's only one problem; Dani can't stay out of trouble.

Dani's new cellmate Martha is quiet and unassuming. There's something about her that doesn't add up. When Martha offers Dani one last chance at freedom, she doesn't hesitate.

Everything she wants is on the outside, but Dani is stuck on the inside. Is it possible to break out when everyone is trying to keep you in . . .

Published:     28th June 2018
Publisher:  Little Brown
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher


Now, I am not normally one to pick up books about prison, drugs and rehabilitation.  It is not that they aren't good stories, but they are just not the type of story that I would pick up.  That said, however, there was something about this book that drew me in.

When reading the description, for me it read like this was going to be the story of Dani breaking out of prison to get to her daughter.  Realistically, for me this was not the best part of this story.  The best part was actually learning more about Dani, her background and watching her character grow as the story goes along.  We start off the story by seeing her as a repeat offender, someone who is always going to end up back in prison.  As the story goes on, she changes and really wanting to rather than being forced into change.

Don't let some characters fool you in this story, some are mean and some are friendly but that doesn't mean that they are going to stay that way...   There is also a kind of supernatural/psychic element to it that although it was woven into the story very nicely, I found it very hard to believe that was really happening.

A really dramatic character driven story that you really should pick up...

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