30 Jun 2015

GIVEAWAY WINNER / The Winner's Curse

The winner is...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I have emailed the winner.

Thank you to all who took part.  Keep your eye out for another giveaway soon!

29 Jun 2015

Book Review / The Novice by Taran Matharu

When blacksmith apprentice Fletcher discovers that he has the ability to summon demons from another world, he travels to Adept Military Academy. There the gifted are trained in the art of summoning. Fletcher is put through grueling training as a battlemage to fight in the Hominum Empire’s war against orcs. He must tread carefully while training alongside children of powerful nobles. The power hungry, those seeking alliances, and the fear of betrayal surround him. Fletcher finds himself caught in the middle of powerful forces, with only his demon Ignatius for help.

As the pieces on the board maneuver for supremacy, Fletcher must decide where his loyalties lie. The fate of an empire is in his hands. The Novice is the first in a trilogy about Fletcher, his demon Ignatius, and the war against the Orcs.

 Published:     5th May 2015
Publisher:  Hodder
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, Summoner Series
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

My Review

I will elaborate but basically I can summarise this book in one sentence.  I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!

What I loved the most was the world building and the great introduction to characters in this first book.  For me, a great first book does both of those and really gets you sucked into the world and get invested in the characters, wanting them to win and do well.  I was definitely both sucked in and invested in Fletcher.  Although this story was very predictable, I did have a lot of questions that I NEED answering.  I am dying to find out more about Fletcher and his past.  I just know there is something the author is not telling me that I will no doubt find out in the next book(s).

There is a lot of conflict and action in this first book but the one thing that I did notice was that I didn't notice any love interest of any kind.  No relationship drama, old best friend that might become more for Fletcher.  I actually found this to be refreshing considering the majority of the books that I have read recently (and in the past) usually always feature some kind of romance.  I actually liked the fact that there was none of this in the first book.  Without that, I was left to really concentrate on the world and the characters in it.  That's not to say that there will be romance in the series (I hope there will be) but I haven't got a sense of it yet.  There is a suspicion of a possibility but that is all it is, a suspicion.  

Another aspect of this book that I really enjoyed was the comedic side of Fletcher's interaction with his demon.  Normally, I would think of a demon as a pretty horrific character but Fletcher's demon was more like a pet and it was really funny to see the both of them get to know each other and interact with each other.  

What a fantastic book that I would recommend to everyone!  Even if this is not usually your style, give it a go you might just be surprised!

About the Author
(from Goodreads)
Taran was born in London in 1990 and found a passion for reading at a very early age. His love for stories developed into a desire to create his own during early adolescence, beginning his first book at 9 years old.

Straight after graduating with a First Class degree in Business Administration, Taran was keen to explore a new avenue and get inside the publishing world, landing an internship in Digital Sales at Penguin Random House, from June to September 2013.

Thereafter, while taking time off to travel, Taran began to write ‘Summoner’ in November 2013 at the age of 22, taking part in ‘Nanowrimo 2013’.

Thanks to Wattpad.com and updating daily, its popularity dramatically increased, reaching over 3 million reads in less than six months.

After being featured by NBC News, Taran decided to launch his professional writing career and has never looked back.

His SUMMONER trilogy will be published in Spring 2015 by Hodder Children’s in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and British Commonwealth, Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan) in the US and Canada, Heyne in Germany, Crown in Taiwan, Planeta in the Spanish speaking world and Record in Brazil. Book 1 will be published by EKSMO in Russia, Ecliptic in Bulgaria and Alpress in the Czech Republic.

28 Jun 2015

My Two Weeks in Books / 14th to 28th June 2015

What a really great two weeks in books.  Reading has been a bit slow for me lately, but as they say quality over quantity any day!  I started off at the beginning finishing the Starcrossed series, which I was a bit disappointed with so I was in a bit of a book lull..  Then I went on to the Beast which I loved.  It had a lot of action in it and the descriptions was written so beautifully I just could not put this down.  I finished off the two weeks with Pieces of You which was a really heartbreaking read that left me with such an emotional book hangover it has taken me a while to pick up another book.

24 Jun 2015

Waiting on Wednesday / Reawakened by Colleen Houck

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly memo that is hosted by Breaking the Spine Blog.

Expected Release Date: 25th August 2015
(Release date obtained from Goodreads)

Goodreads link is here.

When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers, who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.

And she really can't imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe to find his brothers and complete a grand ceremony that will save mankind.

But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world.

From New York Times bestselling author Colleen Houck comes an epic adventure about two star-crossed teens who must battle mythical forces and ancient curses on a journey with more twists and turns than the Nile itself.

22 Jun 2015

Book Review / Pieces of You by Ella Harper

I don’t even know how to start this letter.
Something happened. Something terrible . . .

Lucy was always sure of one thing – her future with husband and soulmate Luke. But after eight long, heartbreaking years trying to have a baby, that future is crumbling before her eyes.

 When a terrible accident puts Luke into a coma, Lucy is forced to reassess everything she thought she wanted.

Then a woman arrives with a shocking secret that will force Lucy to make the hardest decision of her life.

As compelling and powerful as Jojo Moyes and Liane Moriarty, Pieces of You is a heart-rending, haunting and ultimately life-affirming novel about a love tested to its limits.

Published:     14th August 2014
Publisher:  Avon
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

My Review

What I loved about this story...
This is such an emotional roller coaster of a book... Happy, sad, funny, heartbreaking...  I actually read this book in one sitting mainly because the story was so engrossing I just couldn't pull myself away from it.  How could so many bad things happen to one person and one family?  With this story I got a great sense of family - sticking together through thick and thin.

This story was split into different time periods.  You have from the moment Lucy and Luke first met and follow their story from the beginning in glimpses and you have present day.

Along with following Lucy and Luke you have different perspectives of the story in the present day.  Obviously you have Lucy and Luke's perspective but you also have a couple of other perspectives and lives to follow, which I won't spoil you with that were interesting to follow and not at all confusing.  For me this story was slow paced which was good considering the subject matter of the story.  I felt that it gave plenty of time to absorb what was happening more that way. 

What I was not fond of with this story...
I did find this story very predictable.  Although there is a twist in this book I was kind of expecting it but that didn't affect the fact that I enjoyed reading this story.


19 Jun 2015

Blog Tour/Author Interview - Gina Henning

A scrumptious pie. A long distance guy. 4th of July fireworks guaranteed.

Lauren Hauser has it all…nearly. With a shiny new job and sparkly new engagement ring on her finger, the only thing she’s missing is her gorgeous new fiancé by her side. Should she be worried? Jack’s kisses are as sizzling as always and, sure, long distance is hard but, she and Jack are solid, right?

Of course the stress of planning a wedding—or not—is nothing compared to the stress of baking an apple pie. Because it’s not just any apple pie that Lauren must bake for the 4th of July contest; it’s her grandmother’s famous, award-winning apple pie! Yet Lauren is determined to make this pie her own and a little apple pie should be no problem for the Hauser clan dessert queen…!

But with her new job taking up so much time, a prize pie to perfect and the growing distance between her and Jack, Lauren begins to wonder if she can really have it all… Only one things for sure, there’ll be fireworks this 4th of July!

Gina Henning currently resides where bluebonnets line the highways in the spring, but she prefers the rock flower anemone from under the sea. Above the ocean's surface Gina likes to dance with her three boys and travel to exotic places like the grocery store with her husband. Her pooch Schatzi is a mix between German Shepherd and possibly pig. One of Gina's favorite pastimes is running. She recently completed her one-and-done marathon. At the end of the day her glass of wine is always half-full.

If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why?
Ooh, this is a great question. But how do I answer it? There are so many writers that I would love to co-author with. I’ve thought it would be fun to exchange chapter for chapter and tell a story between two different points of views, but to choose one in particular. I’m not sure. 
What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write?
Most of my writing is done at night when my boys are in bed. If I write during the day, then I go someplace where my boys can play either outside or an indoor play area. There have been a few occasions, where I was working on a deadline and my husband has taken our boys camping so that I can write non-stop.

What is the hardest part of the writing for you?
I think making sure that I’m pushing the story forward and keeping in mind of the conflict. This is always the top concern. While writing, I always focus on the idea of making my readers feel something, whether it be happiness, laughter, maybe even despair, and I especially hope that they swoon.

When and why did you first start writing?
I’ve been writing since I was very young. I began my first book over fifteen years ago, I was working in an office all alone and had quite a bit of downtime. With this “extra” time, I began my first book and let my imagination soar. I plotted out an exciting adventure and with each word, I stepped further into this completely different world. I could smell the ocean air and feel the sun on my skin. In reality, I was crammed into a cluttered space with paint that was peeling from the walls and a not so pleasant musty office smell. But, writing this story took me to paradise.

How did you come up with the idea for your book?
My first published book How to Bake the Perfect Pecan Pie, came about from the idea of traveling by this pecan farm on the way to see my mother. This story of this woman who had to get pecans from this particular farm began to unravel in my mind and I jotted down different aspects of the plot and wrote it out.

Are you a big reader? If so what are you reading now?
Yes, I love to read. I just finished the final installment of Kierney Scott’s Crossing the Line Series, such great books! I’m currently finishing up Blame it on the Fame by Tracie Banister, I have read her other two books Twin Piques and In Need of Therapy and truly enjoyed them both. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
My advice would be to write everyday no matter what, whether it be as simple as a text to a friend and to find a really great critique partner.

Available Here:
Website: http://www.ginahenning.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ginahenningauthor


18 Jun 2015

Book Review / The Beast by Lindsay Mead

Demon possession has swept through Glace's neighboring kingdom, turning humans into hellhounds. These great, fanged wolves are wild, desperate, and hungry. Only the sworn Hunters have kept them back for five long, bloody years.

At the young age of fifteen, Belle LeClair became a Hunter. She no longer remembers how many hounds she's killed, or how many friends she's buried. Still, Belle leads the hunt till a tragedy forces her deep into the dark kingdom. Her heart will be turned, her loyalty tested— and fate will intervene.

Amid a backdrop of Steampunk inventions and a harsh winter landscape, The Beast is a re-imagining of the infamous love between a beauty and a beast.

AUTHOR NOTE: June 22nd release date confirmed! Already available for pre-order on Kindle. Nook and paperback pre-orders coming very soon. -L

Published:     22nd June 2015
Author Website:  Click here
Author's You Tube Channel:  Click here
Author's Vlog Channel: Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, Hunter Legions
Source:  Review Copy from Author

My Review

What a great book one in the series, I can't wait to read more!  This book is a version of Beauty and the Beast, which just happens to be my most favourite fairytale of all time, so I was so excited when I knew Lindsay was writing this and even more excited when I was able to read the description of the story.  This story definately did not disappoint my expectations; not one bit!  

What I loved the most was the main character Belle.  In most Beauty and the Beast style stories that I have come across, Belle is usually portrayed as a 'delicate' charactre who loves books.  Well, right from the beginning I found out that this Belle has a lot more gumption to her.  Certainly being the Hunter Captain made her someone to definately follow and listen to!  The fact that this story started off with lots of action sucked me into the story straight away and I have to admit that I read this in two sittings (it would have been one sitting if I hadn't have had to have slept in between!).  

This is such a great first book in a series I would highly recommend it, even to those of you who would not normally pick up a fairytale retelling story - this is a great one!


17 Jun 2015

Waiting on Wednesday / Court of Fives by Kate Elliott

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly memo that is hosted by Breaking the Spine Blog.

Expected Release Date: 18th August 2015
(Release date obtained from Goodreads)

Goodreads link is here.

In this imaginative escape into an enthralling new world, World Fantasy Award finalist Kate Elliott begins a new trilogy with her debut young adult novel, weaving an epic story of a girl struggling to do what she loves in a society suffocated by rules of class and privilege.

Jessamy's life is a balance between acting like an upper class Patron and dreaming of the freedom of the Commoners. But at night she can be whomever she wants when she sneaks out to train for The Fives, an intricate, multi-level athletic competition that offers a chance for glory to the kingdom's best competitors. Then Jes meets Kalliarkos, and an unlikely friendship between a girl of mixed race and a Patron boy causes heads to turn. When a scheming lord tears Jes's family apart, she'll have to test Kal's loyalty and risk the vengeance of a powerful clan to save her mother and sisters from certain death.

15 Jun 2015

Author Interview / Aarohi Brar

Imagine a stifling hot day, where the sun doesn't just beat down on your body, but also on your enthusiasm, your spirit. Now, imagine the relief that is brought down by a refreshing shower of cool rain.

All your agitation and distress get washed down the drain in this shower, the same time that your lowered spirits and suppressed laughter come barreling to the surface. That relief, that comfort, that joy, is what Juliet has always felt since she found Max.

Life has dealt her a good card. Max is all she has ever wanted, all she could have ever wanted.

What she has failed to realize is that no rain lasts forever, no matter how refreshing. And when it does, out comes the sun. With a vengeance. Although feeble after the brief period for which it lay low, it immediately resumes it's journey where it ultimately gets to shine hotter than ever.

If there is no rain, there is no relief.
If there is no joy, there is no laughter.

And if there is no Max, there is no Juliet.

So, how is she to go on now that he is not there? Now that the eternity that he promised to love her for has been mercilessly reduced to a bare minimum?

She has lost him. Him, as well her love for the rain.

Now all alone, with just her memories of him, she trudges by, without really being involved in what they call, life.

That is until someone comes knocking on her door. Someone she has never met, but has a history with.

Starting over is never easy, but it is at least a little less difficult than being alone.

Should she act on her impulse and let this stranger in? Or should she close the door in his face, considering the role he has already played in her once bright and thriving life?

1. If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why? 
Ans. If I could, then I would love to work with Sylvain Reynard. Because
a) He's awesome
b) He's awesome
c) He's super freaking awesome

I thought I had found the best story ever written when I read the Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy. But The Florentine series had my heart in my throat the entire time that I was reading The Prince and later, The Raven. If truth be told, I have no idea how many times I re-read The Raven before I had to pry it off my own fingers. It is THAT good. 
I would love to get a chance to work with such a talented writer. I want to see the art, beauty, scriptures and history the way he does.
And now that the cover of The Shadow has been revealed, I can barely stop myself from crossing off the days on my calendar before I'll be able to get my hands on it.

2. What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write? 
Ans I usually wake up to the sound of my mother reciting a religious prayer. After a big ass cup of coffee, I get my laptop to the living room to write. I prefer the living room because it has an unobstructed view of the street outside. I can see people walking by, drivers zooming to and fro and the trees standing tall and proud against the harsh sun. I love it!
3. What is the hardest part of the writing for you? 
Ans Has to be the accents. I want to write in a manner where the readers are able to decipher the nationality of a character even without me having to specify that. Perhaps, not having traveled a lot, it is something that doesn't come naturally to me. I need to work on it. The same thing was suggested to me by Susan Wuthrich, an extremely well gifted writer. She read my book and gave a few pointers for improvement. One of them was refining the accents of my characters. 

4. When and why did you first start writing? 
I started writing during December last year. Writing is something I have wanted to do ever since I discovered the joy a book can give. I wanted to write my own stories and have people love them. 

My life wasn't going anywhere close to where I wanted it to go. Nothing offered me solace or comfort or joy. Except books. Except writing. I started by writing small articles and poems. And later went on to write my debut novel.

5. How did you come up with the idea for the book your book? 
Ans.  I was actually in the process of writing a poem when I realized that it could be changed into a short 5000 word story. I was almost finished with it when I decided to let my friends read it before I wrapped it up. They were of the opinion that it had the potential to be a full fledged novel. I took their advice and worked on my characters, their backgrounds, histories etc and turned it into my first self-published book, Pluviophile.
6. Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now? 
I am a voracious reader through and through. Even my blog is called Lector Vorax, which is the Latin translation for Voracious Reader.

At the moment, I am reading the first book in the trilogy, 'The Annals of Lusiartha' by R. Ann Humpries. It's called Sedich.
7. Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers?
Ans. Just believe in yourself. Remember that it is your dream. And you can achieve it. Never stop believing that.

Book Review / Goddess by Josephine Angelini (No spoilers)

Below is the description to book 1 in this trilogy so as to avoid spoilers for those who have not read books 1 and 2.

How do you defy destiny?

Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.

As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.

Published:     23rd May 2013
Publisher:  Macmillan
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 3, Starcrossed Trilogy
Source:  Owned


My Review

I was really sad when I came to reading this book.  Books 1 and 2 were really good reads for me and I was really excited to find out what happens next but unfortunately for me I found the story really slow and the action taking too long to happen that I found as I was reading I was less and less excited about picking this book up and continuing with it.  As I really enjoyed the first two books in this trilogy I kept going (although it did take me a while to get through) until the very last page.  I liked the ending but the process of getting to the end was quite a bit of a struggle for me.   I would have loved to have seen more action and more things going on. 

That being said, I really did enjoy the trilogy in the first two books and also enjoyed the ending of this book so it is worth a try to see whether this might be your thing.  What I am taking away from reading this trilogy is that I loved the author's writing and I will be looking into what else she has written and definitely will be picking them up.

About the Author

Josephine Angelini is a Massachusetts native and the youngest of eight siblings. 

She graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in theater, with a focus on the classics. 

She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

13 Jun 2015

My Week in Books - 8th to 13th June 2015

I was really proud of completing two books this week considering how busy I still am.  These first two books in the Starcrossed trilogy were a little bit on the slow side but I am really enjoying this story.  I am about to start the third and final book Goddess so we'll see what happens next.  I hope it is not as slow paced as the first two - I really need to read some fast paced action.......

GIVEAWAY (CLOSED) - 1 Copy of The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski

Winning what you want may cost you everything you love...

As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions.

One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin.

But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined.

Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.


12 Jun 2015

Book Review / Dreamless by Josephine Angelini (No Spoilers)

Below is the description for book 1 in this trilogy, Starcrossed, to avoid spoilers for those who have not read book 1

How do you defy destiny?

Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.

As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.

Published:     5th July 2012
Publisher:  Macmillan
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 2, Starcrossed

Source:  Owned Copy

My Review

What I loved about this book...
Obviously as this is book two in a series there is a lot that I cannot say here so as to avoid spoilers but what I enjoyed the most in this books it the plotline.  There were so many twists and turns that definately left me guessing what was going to happen next and trying to figure out the 'bigger picture'

What I was not fond of with this book...     
A large part of this story is following the main character Helen as she embarks on something that I cannot say as it will spoil the story but I did feel that nearer the middle of this book it did drag but the start and the finish defiantely made up for the slow middle. 

About the Author
(From Goodreads)

Josephine Angelini is a Massachusetts native and the youngest of eight siblings. 

She graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in theater, with a focus on the classics. 

She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

10 Jun 2015

Waiting on Wednesday / Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly memo that is hosted by Breaking the Spine Blog.

Expected Release Date: 4th August 2015
(Release date obtained from Goodreads)

Goodreads link is here.

Nicolette’s awful stepsisters call her “Mechanica” to demean her, but the nickname fits: she learned to be an inventor at her mother’s knee. Her mom is gone now, though, and the Steps have turned her into a servant in her own home.

But on her sixteenth birthday, Nicolette discovers a secret workshop in the cellar and begins to dare to imagine a new life for herself. Could the mysterious books and tools hidden there—and the mechanical menagerie, led by a tiny metal horse named Jules—be the key to escaping her dreary existence? With a technological exposition and royal ball on the horizon, the timing might just be perfect for Nicolette to earn her freedom at last.

Gorgeous prose and themes of social justice and family shine in this richly imagined Cinderella retelling about an indomitable inventor who finds her prince . . . but realizes she doesn't want a fairy tale happy ending after all.

8 Jun 2015

Book Review / Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

How do you defy destiny?

Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.

As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.

Published:     June 2011
Publisher:  Macmillan
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, Starcrossed
Source:  Owned Copy 

My Review

What I loved about this book...
What a great book 1 to this trilogy.  What makes a great book 1 for me is great description and introduction to characters and situations and this book definitely did a fantastic job with that.  You have the main character Helen who knows that there is something different about her but hasn't been able to quite pin down how different she was compared to her family and friends.  There is a lot of back story yet to find out but the promise of really great secrets to learn (I hope) as the trilogy goes on.  

One thing that I was particularly concerned with when I started this book was the fact that I am not a great lover of greek mythology but the descriptionof this books sounded really good I knew I had to give it a try and I am glad that I did.  For someone who does not know a great deal about greek mythology etc this book provided great background history and information about that.  It did such a great job with it that I now am looking into reading more greek mythology books and understand a little bit more about it.  

This was such a fun easy to read story for those of you who wanted a to do a bit of light YA greek mythology reading this summer.  Definately a great beach read. 

About the Author
(From Goodreads)

Josephine Angelini is a Massachusetts native and the youngest of eight siblings. 

She graduated from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in theater, with a focus on the classics. 

She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband.

6 Jun 2015

My Week in Books / 31st May to 7th June 2015

Sadly this was one of those weeks where life happened.  So many things to get done and not much time or energy for reading left in the day, which did leave me very sad that I only managed to read one anthology but in this case quality not quantity.  I really enjoyed the Summer in Snow Valley anthology just as much as I did when reading the first anthology, Christmas in Snow Valley in December.  If you are looking for an easy beach read this summer this is definately a great pick up!

Summer in Snow Valley - Blog Tour/Review

3 Jun 2015

Waiting on Wednesday / The Creeping by Alexandra Sirowy

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly memo that is hosted by Breaking the Spine Blog.

Expected Release Date: 18th August 2015
(Release date obtained from Goodreads)

Goodreads link is here.

Twelve years ago Stella and Jeanie vanished while picking strawberries. Stella returned minutes later, with no memory of what happened. Jeanie was never seen or heard from again.

Now Stella is seventeen, and she's over it. She's the lucky one who survived, and sure, the case is still cloaked in mystery—and it's her small town's ugly legacy—but Stella is focused on the coming summer. She's got a great best friend, a hookup with an irresistibly crooked smile, and two months of beach days stretching out before her.

Then along comes a corpse, a little girl who washes up in an ancient cemetery after a mudslide, and who has red hair just like Jeanie did. Suddenly memories of that haunting day begin to return, and when Stella discovers that other red-headed girls have gone missing as well, she begins to suspect that something sinister is at work.

And before the summer ends, Stella will learn the hard way that if you hunt for monsters, you will find them.

2 Jun 2015

Author Interview / L S Murphy

Senior Year.
Middle of nowhere.
What's the new girl to do?

For Piper Marks, the answer is simple. She’s determined to have her photography rock the cover of National Geographic someday, and moving to Clarkton, Iowa for her last year of high school is not going to stop her. Even if her usual subjects have changed from bright lights and skyscrapers to fields, cows…and more fields.

But when photographer at the local paper quits in a huff, she steps into his spot. Her new job keeps Piper busy capturing tackles, and zooming in on first downs and end zone dances, not to mention putting her directly in the path of varsity football star Les Williams IV. Her new friends warn her off, but she can’t resist the pull she feels toward this mysterious country boy. But this small town is keeping a secret, and it’s one that could destroy any chance they have to be together.

It’s up to Piper to decide what to do with the distorted truth. Can she risk exposing her heart? It might be worth it, 'cause Les is about to change her world from black and white to fully saturated color.

1. If you could work with any other author, who would it be and why? 
I really want to work with my friend Ella Martin. There’s a budding idea
I’ve been tossing around. It’s just a matter of finding the time to work out
the plot with her. We’ll get there though. Eventually.
2. What would be a typical working day for you? When and where do you write? 
Writing time is difficult to find. I work full-time and have a young daughter
who is my world. Normally, I’m writing late in the evenings after she’s gone
to bed. I have an office in my basement where I normally write. On
occasion, I’ll meet some friends at Starbucks. It’s nice to have write-ins with
friends to keep my motivation high.
3. What is the hardest part of the writing for you? 
Finding the time. There are nights I am just too exhausted to write. I have to
forgive myself from taking the night off. And that’s not easy for me to do. ;)
4. When and why did you first start writing?
My love for writing started in junior high. I never gave up the dream, but it
took me a long time to get to the point where I could focus on it. A dream is
great, but it’s better if you work toward achieving it. If it wasn’t for the birth
my daughter, I don’t know if I ever would have went for it. I realized if I
didn’t encourage her to follow her dreams if I never followed mine. And
here we are. 
5. How did you come up with the idea for the book your book? 
The idea for PIXELATED has been floating in my head since my senior
year of high school. My creative writing teacher showed us a “scene” he
found inspirational, which at the time I thought was crap. It was a row of
tractors in the school parking lot. The image stayed with me though and
appears in the book.
6. Are you a big reader? If so, what are you reading now? 
I love to read! I’m currently reading City of Fae by Pippa DaCosta. She’s
7. Do you have any advice for other aspiring writers?
Never give up. It’s your dream. Don’t let anyone take it from you. Find a
critique group that knows the value of critiquing. It’s not meant to bring you
down, but to raise you up. (I adore my critique group.)