5 Oct 2014

Book Review / Natural Selection by Malinda Lo

Below is the description to book 1 in this series, Adaption.

Reese can’t remember anything from the time between the accident and the day she woke up almost a month later. She only knows one thing: She’s different now.

Across North America, flocks of birds hurl themselves into airplanes, causing at least a dozen to crash. Thousands of people die. Fearing terrorism, the United States government grounds all flights, and millions of travelers are stranded.

Reese and her debate team partner and longtime crush David are in Arizona when it happens. Everyone knows the world will never be the same. On their drive home to San Francisco, along a stretch of empty highway at night in the middle of Nevada, a bird flies into their headlights. The car flips over. When they wake up in a military hospital, the doctor won’t tell them what happened, where they are—or how they’ve been miraculously healed.

Things become even stranger when Reese returns home. San Francisco feels like a different place with police enforcing curfew, hazmat teams collecting dead birds, and a strange presence that seems to be following her. When Reese unexpectedly collides with the beautiful Amber Gray, her search for the truth is forced in an entirely new direction—and threatens to expose a vast global conspiracy that the government has worked for decades to keep secret.

Published:     3rd September 2014
Publisher:  Little Brown
Author Website:  Click here
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1.5, Adaption Series
Source:  Bought
Review:   2 out of 5

My Review

This was a very interesting novella to this series.  I am always cautious when it comes to novellas and side stories as in the past I have read novellas as part of a book series but as it was written nearer the end of the series looking back into the history of the story, it can be very spoilerish.  So, when it comes to novellas I always leave those until I have finished the series and then play 'catch up'. which is what I did with this novella but I really didn't need to.  We follow the story of Amber who is one of the relatively main characters in the duology and we delve into her past and find out more about her and more about where she is from.

This novella was interesting and did add a little bit more to the story but I did feel that there was not a lot of depth to this novella, it just ran through the 'basics' of Amber's past and where she lived.  

I will mention that it is probably best to read this either after book 1 as it does reveal one of the twists you find out in book 1. 

About the Author
(from Goodreads)

Malinda Lo is the author of several young adult novels including the sci-fi thriller Adaptation; the sequel, Inheritance, will be published Sept. 24, 2013. Her first novel, Ash, a retelling of Cinderella with a lesbian twist, was a finalist for the William C. Morris YA Debut Award, the Andre Norton Award, and the Lambda Literary Award. Her novel Huntress was an ALA Best Book for Young Adults and a finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. Malinda is co-founder with Cindy Pon of Diversity in YA (diversityinya.tumblr.com), a project that celebrates diversity in young adult books. Malinda lives in Northern California with her partner and their dog.


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