28 May 2014

Book Review / Goddess by Laura Powell

Strikes. Starvation. Riots. Britain is at breaking-point and Aura is blind to it all. The Cult of Artemis is the only home she’s ever known. 

Enclosed in its luxury lifestyle, the unrest gripping the country seems to belong to a distant world. Her dream is to serve the Goddess and taking a vow of chastity and obedience seems a small price to pay. 

But days before Aura is due to be initiated as a Priestess, she meets Aiden, the rebellious son of a cult insider, whose radical ideas and unsettling charm force Aura to question everything – and everyone – she knows.

Published:     10th April 2014
Publisher:  Bloomsbury
Goodreads :  Click here

Author Website: Click Here
Series:  Not part of a series
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher

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What I loved about this story...

I was really excited about this book, firstly because of the author Laura Powell.  Last year I had read Burn Mark by her and really enjoyed her writing style.  When I heard that she had written something new I was very excited to see what it was all about.

I really enjoyed the secrets aspect of this story.  You have the main character Aura who we see at the start following what she has always known and following the rule book.  She then meets Aiden and from then everything in her life changes.  Aura's journey through discovering herself, discovering secrets from her family and discovering possible conspiracies made me want to keep turning the pages until the very last.

What I was not fond of with this story...

If I had to be honest, the topic of gods and goddesses is a very touch and go area for me.  Depending on the story and how the topic is covered depends on whether I get on with it or not.  

With this story, there were aspects that I didn't follow but that was probably purely because I am not too familiar with gods and goddesses etc but please do not let that influence you in any way.  It is a really great story with great twists and turns. 


Laura Powell grew up in rural Wales and now lives in West London. 

She wrote her first book while studying Classics at Oxford and worked in publishing for five years before leaving to concentrate on her writing.

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