15 Oct 2013

Dusty Reads: Spellbound by Jane Green

Dusty Reads is a Tuesday meme that I found at Ya-aholic.com and was originally started at Xpressoreads.com. 

This is a meme where I intend to showcase a book that has been on my shelf for a while and haven’t got to yet.  If you have read this or have heard of this book, I would love to hear your comments on whether you  like it or not, or have heard great things about it.

This week, my  Dusty Read is:

 Alice has always dreamed of a rose-covered cottage in the English countryside, filled with children and animals and home-cooked meals. Her favorite attire is old jeans; her best manicure features garden dirt under the nails. But when her teenage crush—a wealthy, dashing, man-about-town named Joe—wants to make her his bride, Alice is willing to play Cinderella to Joe's prince. Never mind that he wants her to change—a diet, ice-blond highlights, stilettos, snooty gallery openings—and that he's allergic to nature and kids. 

She tells herself she's happy to sacrifice for love, and besides, every woman in London wants to be in her shoes. But that's just the problem—and Joe soon reveals a penchant for being hopelessly unfaithful. When an indiscretion with a female colleague forces him to transfer to New York, Alice's life turns upside down. To her surprise, however, the move is a blessing in disguise. Revamping a country house in Connecticut, Alice shrugs off her stifling façade of glamour and rediscovers the simple joys in life with the help of friends, fresh air, and a bold return to her old self. As Joe continues to sneak around, and her best friend's beau offers a tempting glimpse of what real love could be like, Alice must decide how much Cinderella she can take before her deepest desires win out—if she can summon up the courage to break Joe's spell. 






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