
31 Dec 2011

Book Review - Cross my Heart by Sasha Gould

When 16-year-old Laura della Scala learns that her older sister, Beatrice, has drowned, she is given no time to grieve. Instead, Laura's father removes her from the convent where he forcibly sent her years earlier and orders her to marry Beatrice's fiancĂ©, a repulsive old merchant named Vincenzo. Panicked, Laura betrays a powerful man to earn her way into the Segreta, a shadowy society of women who deal in only one currency—secrets. The Segreta seems like the answer to Laura's prayers. The day after she joins their ranks, Vincenzo is publicly humiliated and conveniently exiled. Soon, however, Laura begins to suspect that her sister's death was not a tragic accident but a cold-blooded murder—one that might involve the Segreta and the women she has come to trust

My Review :  9 out of 10

Expected Publication Date:   13th March 2012


This was a really good story.  If I had to classify this into a specific genre, I would put it in murder mystery, most definately.  Now I have to admit that I do not usually read murder mysteries and have in the past tried and failed to enjoy them but I really did enjoy reading this book.  From the very start of the story, I was drawn into the book.  We see Laura who is at some kind of convent, see her learn of her sister's death and being told that she is to marry her husband.  I have to admit that for the most part of this book, I suspected everybody of being involved in Beatrice's death.  Such great characters in this book; both good and bad and the most interesting thing of all was to try and figure out who was good and who was bad before you got to the end.  There are people in this story who are not what they seem, which is also sometimes good and sometimes bad.

This was a really great story and not one that I would have usually picked.  There are lots of great twists and turns here and certainly many surprises along the way.  If you like books that keep you guessing until the very end, this is definately the book for you. 

Best wishes

Debs :-)


  1. sounds great. i will have to add it to my TBR

  2. I haven't read many books that take place long ago and was a little scepticle about how easy it would be to follow but Cross My Heart had me hooked from chapter one. Laura is such a sweet young woman who wants to do whats right as well as follow her heart. There is plenty of action, mystery, and romance to keep you captivated till the very end. I didn't want to put this book down!
