
31 Dec 2011

Book Review - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

As this is book two in the Hunger Games Trilogy and I don't want to spoil it for anyone who has not read the first book yet, here is a link to the goodreads page for Catching Fire for those of you who would like to read what this is about.  Check out the link here.

My Review - 9 out of 10

I have to admit that it did take me a while to get into this book, as the end of book 1 was so explosive, I think I was expecting Catching Fire to start with a bang.  But I have to say that when I got to about a third of the way through and there were a few things that put a question mark over everything, it just blew me away.

I loved this book and I am definately looking forward to reading the third and final instalment of this trilogy, which is going to be the first book I read in 2012.

Best wishes

Debs :-)

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