Hey! I thought I would share with you some books that I had bought just before I moved for never got the chance to post them....
The first one on the left hand side is
by Nora Roberts. This is the first book I have picked up written by Nora Roberts and, to be honest, I have only just heard all about her and I am really excited to read all of her books, which I believe there are many!
The next one across is
The Innocent Man
by John Grisham. This one looks like another fantastic read by the wonderful and strikingly handsome Mr Grisham.
Next in line is
The Weight of Silence
by Hether Gudenkauf. This looks like one of those stories that have a deep meaning to, which is one of my favourite types of books to read....
Next is
Sundays at Tiffany's
by James Patterson. This is one of the first books I have picked up written by James Patterson so I am very excited to see if I like his style of writing. From reading the back, I think this book is going to be good.
Next is
Take a Chance on Me
by Jill Mansel which looks like a really good chicklit book that I hope is full of laughs and frolicking..!!!!
Next is
Hannah's List
by Debbie Macomber. Again, this is an author that I have not read yet but looks like such a fun read and, hopefully, easy read...
Next is
Second Chances
by Jane Green. I am trying to collect all the Jane Green books before I start to read them (I have read one called Bookends and absolutely loved it) and I bought this one and thought I had got a bargain, until I got home and realised that I already had it! lol... I might do a giveaway at some point....
The next one is called the
Jane Austin Book Club
by Karen Joy Fowler. I have watched the movie and absolutely loved it! I can't wait to read this one. The book is not too long so I should not have any problem reading it!
Next we have
by Lisa Jewell. This is one that I remember reading quite a while ago and always wanted my own copy. I can't remember much of the storyline so I think I will read this one again... It should be a funny one...
Next is
Things I want my daughters to know
by Elizabeth Noble which looks like it could be a really beautiful read and also rather sad I think.. Sounds like something maybe is going to happen to the mother or maybe she has too many secrets.... I have to admit that with this one I just read the cover and said that this is a book that I have to read....
Then we have 44 Cranberry Road by Debbie Macomber. This was on sale so I thought I would get it to go with the other books I have of the same author. It looks great... My first impression is that it seems like a family saga type book but I could be wrong.
Last but by no means least we have
The Reading Group
by Elizabeth Noble. This just sounded like a good easy read and I can never resist reading a book that is all about reading.... LOVE IT!
So that is my hall that I got before I moved... I am so much looking forward to reading these.... (along with my others...).
I am only waiting for my order from Amazon to come through and will post a blog when it does.... I love receiving mail, don't you? Especially when you know you have ordered something you really really want!
Best wishes
I may have the reading group or it might be the book club, not sure but it is an oldy I picked up for a dollar or fifty cents in a second hand bookshop and had to get because I to love reading books about book clubs :p
What a nice stack of books! I listened to Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson on audio and really enjoyed it.
You got a nice variety of books here. enjoy!
Hey guys! Thanks for your all your comments. I am a natural hoarder so I love to have a massive to-read piles so when I manage to get into town, if I see a lot that I like, I tend to get quite a few at a time!
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