29 Aug 2010

Book Haul – Charity Shop

Hi guys! Well as you will now see from my previous blog relating to the very lucky W H smiths shop, I did in fact come home with more books than that. Before going to W H Smiths there is a charity shop that I love to go on as they have a good turnaround of second hand books. The charity is called The British Heart Foundation. You can pick up fairly new books for a third of the price! So, this is what I got:

Falling for you by Jill Mansell

The Memory Keeper's Daughter by Kim Edwards

8 Sandpipers Way by Debbie Macomber

The Divide by Nicholas Evans

Things my girlfriend and I have argued about by Mil Millington

I hope you enjoyed this blog!

Best wishes


Blodeuedd said...

Hi :)
Wow, you have picked up some great books lately

Debra's Book Cafe said...

Hey! I think I am on a lucky streak at the moment! Best wishes