22 Aug 2010

Book Giveaway - Update

Hey guys!  Just to let you know, the book I offered as a giveaway a little while ago (Second Chances by Jane Green) has found a new home and will be winging its way over to Cass at Words on Paper, which is a fantastic blog guys. 

Best wishes


Cass said...

Yes, the US covers for PLL are so much better, IMO! I think the UK ones are just too...mellow for my liking. Especially given what the series actually is, and what is encapsulates. The bright colours just work.

Also, thanks so much for the book! I hope I enjoy it. :)

Debra's Book Cafe said...

OMG I have just finished the first book and Im totally addicted! lol! Yes the UK covers are so... well boring really compared to the brightly coloured US ones

I hope you enjoy the book, do let me know how you get on Cass.

Best wishes