
19 Sept 2024

Book Review / Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley

Secrets. Lies. Murder. Let the festivities begin...

It’s the opening night of The Manor, and no expense, small or large, has been spared. The infinity pool sparkles; crystal pouches for guests’ healing have been placed in the Seaside Cottages and Woodland Hutches; the “Manor Mule” cocktail (grapefruit, ginger, vodka, and a dash of CBD oil) is being poured with a heavy hand. Everyone is wearing linen.

But under the burning midsummer sun, darkness stirs. Old friends and enemies circulate among the guests. Just outside the Manor’s immaculately kept grounds, an ancient forest bristles with secrets. And the Sunday morning of opening weekend, the local police are called. Something’s not right with the guests. There’s been a fire. A body’s been discovered.


It all began with a secret, fifteen years ago. Now the past has crashed the party. And it’ll end in murder at… The Midnight Feast.

Published:  18th June 2024
Publisher:  HarperCollins
Goodreads :    Click Here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Bought
Genres:     Thriller, Mystery and Suspense 
Pages:  432 pages, Hardcover


What I loved about this story...  I knew I had to pick this one up right after reading The Paris Apartment.  I just adore the way that this author's writing draws me in every time and just makes me addicted to the story right from the beginning.  This story was no different.   There were so many questions - What was the Secret?  What is the Manor?  What happened at the Manor? Is everyone who they say they are?  Now, I am not normally one who likes a story with a whole cast of characters, but this one felt different.  I found it easy to follow, remember and attempt to figure out what was going on.  Very creepy, I loved it!

Would I recommend... Absolutely!  If you haven't read a book by this author before, I would recommend starting with either this one or The Paris Apartment.  

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