
22 Aug 2024

Book Review / Weyward by Emilia Hart

KATE, 2019
Kate flees London – abandoning everything – for Cumbria and Weyward Cottage, inherited from her great-aunt. There, a secret lurks in the bones of the house, hidden ever since the witch-hunts of the 17th century.

VIOLET, 1942
Violet is more interested in collecting insects and climbing trees than in becoming a proper young lady. Until a chain of shocking events changes her life forever.

ALTHA, 1619
Altha is on trial for witchcraft, accused of killing a local man. Known for her uncanny connection with nature and animals, she is a threat that must be eliminated.

But Weyward women belong to the wild. And they cannot be tamed…

Published:  2nd February 2023

Publisher:  The Borough Press

Goodreads :  Click Here

Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone

Source:  Bought

Genres:     Historical Fiction, Fantasy and Magical Realism

Pages:  374 pages, Hardcover


What I loved about this story...  I love a good historical romance, especially when it has a split narrative and this one has three different narratives!  I am going to be honest and say that the main reason I picked up this story was because of the cover!  I mean, look at it.  Its beautiful.  But I am so glad that I did pick it up, because this story is good.  I love a good witch story and its been a while since I picked one up it was due.  Yes, each of the stories were very good but, for me, the best part was following each of the characters and seeing how they dealt with the different challenges that they faced.  

What I didn't like about this story...  For me, there were no surprises in this story or hooks that would keep me reading.  I appreciate that this is one of those stories that is about the characters (and I really did enjoy that part of it) but I would have loved a few surprises.  

Would I recommend...   Do pick this up.   If you love a good witch story, don't miss  out on not reading.  


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