27 Sept 2020

Book Review / Let Her Be by Lisa Unger


A writer’s misguided suspicions ruined his life once before. This time he plans to prove he’s right in a New York Times bestselling author’s haunting short story of what happens when seeing is not believing.

Will, an aspiring novelist, can’t stop parsing his ex-girlfriend’s popular social media accounts for clues that her ideal new rural life with the perfect man has a dark side. After all, nobody he knows has actually seen the blissful blogger in the flesh for nearly a year. When Will draws a wary friend into his “investigation,” the real question becomes who’s truly in danger.

Lisa Unger’s Let Her Be is part of Hush, a collection of six stories, ranging from political mysteries to psychological thrillers, in which deception can be a matter of life and death. Each piece can be read or listened to in one truly chilling sitting.

Published:     30th July 2020
Publisher:  Amazon Original Stories
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Hush Collection
Source:  Owned


I had not read anything by this author before so when I heard that Amazon Original Stories was coming out with a Hush Collection of novellas I knew that I had to give them a try.  I am not sure if this collection are supposed to be read in a certain order but this was the first one I picked up.  

What I enjoyed the most was that even in such a small story, this one packs a punch.  The main character in this story, Will, is certainly very troubled and it makes you question the people around you and even possibly yourself?

 I really enjoyed the writing style.  I will certainly be picking up more stories by this author. 

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