13 Sept 2020

Book Review / The Girl with the Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson



 George Foss never thought he'd see her again, but on a late-August night in Boston, there she is, in his local bar, Jack's Tavern.

When George first met her, she was an eighteen-year-old college freshman from Sweetgum, Florida. She and George became inseparable in their first fall semester, so George was devastated when he got the news that she had committed suicide over Christmas break. But, as he stood in the living room of the girl's grieving parents, he realized the girl in the photo on their mantelpiece - the one who had committed suicide - was not his girlfriend. Later, he discovered the true identity of the girl he had loved - and of the things she may have done to escape her past.

Now, twenty years later, she's back, and she's telling George that he's the only one who can help her...



Published:    4th February 2014
Publisher:  Faber & Faber
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Owned



Now this was what you call an edge of your seat amazing thriller!  I think this author is fast becoming one of my favourites, alongside the likes of Ruth Ware and John Grisham.  There's just something about the writing and the plot that just draws me in!  

 We follow George who after being happily in and out of a good (what I see to be a not very committed) relationship, sees his first love (having met at the start of University) at a bar.  At first he doesn't believe it is her.  Soon they meet and George is drawn back into her world again. 

I picked this up one rainy Sunday and could not put it down.  I just had to know what was going to happen next. 

What I loved the most about this story was the plot.  You have George meet his old love again and after that he gets drawn into her world, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.  For me, there were so many twists and turns in this story I could not keep count.  Just when you thought something was true, it wasn't!  Just when you thought the story was finished, it's not!

LOVED THIS! Can't wait to read more from this author.

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