8 Jun 2017

Book Review / Girl in the Mirror by Cecelia Ahern

Two powerful and unforgettable stories from the Number One bestselling author

Girl in the Mirror

Lila knows how lucky she is to have found the man of her dreams. But when a secret from her family's past comes to light on her wedding day, her destiny changes in the most unexpected of ways ...

The Memory Maker

They say you never forget your first love. But what happens when those cherished memories start to fade? Some people would do anything to hold on to the past and, for one heartbroken man, that means finding a way to relive those precious moments ...

Published:     1st March 2011
Publisher:  HarperTorch
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand-Alone
Source:  Owned


What I liked about this story...  I was very intrigued by this story and have been meaning to pick it up and read it since it came out (all of 6 years ago, whoops).  Doesn't time fly!  Cecelia Ahern is one of my favourite authors and I can't believe it has taken me this long to read it!  I had first though that this was one novella but happily discovered that it was two.  If I had to pick which one I liked the most, I would have to choose Girl in the Mirror.  It had a great mix of family secrets and mysteries.  I especially liked the ending, very inventive.

What I didn't like about this story...   I have to be honest and say that the second story fell a bit flat for me.  I couldn't get into it to start with and when I did I wasn't really that bothered about what happened.  I should just say that the writing was really good but this story just was not for me. 

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