14 Mar 2016

Book Review / Read Me Like a Book by Liz Kessler

Ashleigh Walker is in love. You know the feeling - that intense, heart-racing, all-consuming emotion that can only come with first love. 

It's enough to stop her worrying about bad grades at college. Enough to distract her from her parents' marriage troubles. There's just one thing bothering her . .

Shouldn't it be her boyfriend, Dylan, who makes her feel this way - not Miss Murray, her English teacher?

A thought-provoking coming out story from a highly skilled author.

Published:     14th May 2015
Publisher:  Indigo
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Stand Alone
Source:  Review Copy from Publisher


What I liked about this book...    This was the first time reading a LGBT style book so I was really excited to see what I thought about reading this.  What I liked the most has to be the character of Ashleigh and her development throughout the story.  We see her at the beginning thinking that she was like everyone else (which she was apart from the fact that she felt more for her English teacher Miss Murray than her boyfriend Dylan).  This was very much a coming of age story, watching Ashleigh grow from discovering the feelings that she had and leaning to deal with this.

What I didn't like with this book...  If I had to pick something I would have to say that even though Miss Murray was the object of Ashleigh's affections throughout the book I felt that this character was just an 'object' in the story that came in and went.  Honestly, it could have been any other person in the story other than Miss Murray and the story would probably be the same.  

In summary...   This was a good interesting read especially for character development and discovering what it is like through the eyes of the person feeling what they feel.   I felt this was more aimed at a younger audience than a mature reading audience. 

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