2 Mar 2016

Book Review / Naked in Death by JD Robb

 It is the year 2058, and technology now completely rules the world. But New York City Detective Eve Dallas knows that the irresistible impulses of the human heart are still ruled by just one thing-passion.

When a senator's daughter is killed, the secret life of prostitution she'd been leading is revealed. The high-profile case takes Lieutenant Eve Dallas into the rarefied circles of Washing-ton politics and society.

Further complicating matters is Eve's growing attraction to Roarke, who is one of the wealthiest and most influential men on the planet, devilishly handsome... and the leading suspect in the investigation.

Published:     July 1995 (first published)
Publisher:  Piatkus
Goodreads :  Click here
Series or Stand-Alone:  Book 1, In Death
Source:  Owned


Oh dear, I can see the beginning of an obsession starting here and do you want to know what the best thing about that is?  This series has over 40 books in it so my addiction to this series can keep going for a very very long time!!  I had first come across this series when I read Obsession in Death (book 40) and Brotherhood in Death (book 42) (which were very kindly sent to me for review).  I loved both of those books so much that I wanted to start from the beginning.  What makes this story unusual from the usual crime books is the fact that it sent in the year 2058, way in the future but is written in such a way that, unless for the smaller details of a machine that reproduces food and drink at the touch of a button and 'links' that people use to communicate to each other, it could really be at any time, any year and the story would still be relevant and good.  

With this first story, I got to see the beginnings of what makes Detective Eve Dallas who she is and why she is so good at her job as well as seeing her in personal situations.  Eve has such a depth to her character that just pulled me in and want to like her instantly.  With the introduction of a love interest, Roarke, this makes Eve (who is usually a very by the book type of person) think and do things she would nor normally.  

The main part of this story is obviously about the murder of a senator's daughter and what happens next.  This was a story that had quite a few twists and turns and although I had a suspicion that I knew who it was who done it there was a further twist which meant that there was more to the story than meets the eye! 

I loved this first book and can't wait to move on to the rest of the series... 

*** Trigger Warning ***
This story contains aspects of murder, violence and rape.

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